41-Let It Go

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Anakin's POV
"Hey babe, sleep well?" I smiled innocently to hide my fear.

I've been in countless battles in this war, I've even been in horrendous situations that have nearly taken my own life. But still, nothing has scared me more than this woman in front of me, and her death glare..

She narrowed her eyes as she slowly sat up; keeping her gaze on me, "What were you doing Anakin?" She asked sternly as she used the force to jolt my body upward so I was now sitting up with her.

I bit my lip nervously, "Please don't be mad."

She tilted her head to the side, while still holding her very irritated stare, "Why were you inside of my mind without my permission? You can't fucking do that." She growled as she leaned closer to me and I backed away.

Oh so she's mad mad.

"Please just calm down and I can explain," I reached forward and placed my hand gently on her thigh.

She narrowed her eyes at my touch before flickering her gaze back to me, "I'm waiting." She folded her arms across her chest and leaned her back against our headboard.

"Well, I noticed that you haven't really been yourself lately," I began and watched her immediately become uncomfortable. Her eyes quickly looked away from me and she stared off towards the wall that was adjacent to her room.

"I told you it's just nightmares, let it go already." She snapped while she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

"Babe come here," I leaned my back against the headboard as well and patted my thighs; signaling for her to straddle me, in a non-sexual way. It's how I like to have our talks, that way she can't storm away from me and vice versa.

She ignored my request so I grabbed her by her hips anyway and pulled her onto me. Luckily she didn't put up a fight, instead she made it easy by allowing me to do it, she even helped by moving her own leg to the other side of me.

I gazed into her eyes as I brushed her hair behind her ear once I successfully had her on me, "As I was saying. I know it wasn't okay, but I wanted to see what scared you so much last night. It terrified me to see you that way, I'm so worried about you," I brought up my metal hand and rested it on her cheek, she slowly leaned into the cold material satisfyingly. She always loved my little flaw, she said the coldness of it was soothing to her, "But I'm really sorry that I invaded your privacy, I shouldn't have done that." I dropped my head down in shame, but I kept my hand up since some of her weight was against it.

She was quiet for a moment then I heard her sigh. She brought her index finger to my chin and lifted my head up to look at her, "What did you see?" She asked as she dropped her hand down and laid it against my bare stomach.

I shook my head, "I wasn't able to see anything," I knitted my brows together when I remembered what happened, "It was like I was pushed out, actually."

She cleared her throat uncomfortably, "Yeah that was me, sorry if I hurt you." She spoke rather quickly while avoiding eye contact.

I narrowed my eyes more, the voice I heard was deep though, too deep to be hers. I've never been more confused than I am right now, "But it didn't sound like-"

"You're imagining things okay?" She met my eyes with an angered expression.

"Um okay, I'm sorry." I glanced down sadly, dropping my hand down too.

"Anakin I didn't-" She sighed as she placed her palms on my cheeks and brought my gaze up once more, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just tired." She leaned her forehead against mine and kept her apologetic eyes on me.

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