52-So Do I

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6 weeks later

Ahsokas POV
I stood in the doorway of the training room and watched silently as Cal attempted to meditate, again. He hasn't been the same since (y/n)'s disappearance, no one has been actually, especially my Master. But he at least looks like he's trying to hold it together, Cal on the other hand looks a little more broken each day. He's just a kid like me after all and we haven't been taught to control our emotions as well as everyone else. And it doesn't help that he grew an attachment to her and thought of her as a mother figure. I can only imagine how he feels.

Not that the rest of us aren't guilt of attachments. I know I'm guilty, of more than one actually..

He slowly opened his eyes and caught me watching him, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare." I apologized and glanced down sheepishly. His alluring green eyes had a compelling way of making me nervous.

"I felt you before you even turned into the hallway," He responded softly; prompting me to look back up and connect with his calming gaze, "I don't mind it, your presence is soothing." He gave me a half-smile as he uncrossed his legs and stretched them out in front of him.

I walked into the room nervously with a small box in my hand. I also had to keep my head down to hide the blush that burned on my cheeks, "I know, but I didn't mean to disturb you." I sat by his side and held the box towards him.

"You could never disturb me," He glanced down at the gift and his sad smile grew into a more joyful one, "What is this for?" He took it from my hand and ran his fingers along the silk red ribbon that I tied around it.

"You think I'd forget my best friend's birthday? It's about time you caught up to me." I nudged him on the shoulder playfully.

He's turning fifteen today and I turned fifteen about four weeks ago. I was older than him by one month and I never let him forget it.

He chuckled without taking his eyes off of the closed box, then his smile dropped down as quick as it came, "I just don't feel like I should be celebrating." He tugged on the loose end of the ribbon to untie it completely.

"Try not to look at it as us celebrating then," I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort and squeezed him gently. I could feel his anxiety waver only faintly, but I'm still glad I'm able to give him some minor relief, "I'm just giving you this gift today and it just so happens to be your birthday." I shrugged nonchalantly while releasing my hold from his shoulder.

He met my eyes once more and his watery gaze caused my chest to ache, I hated seeing him so sad all the time, especially since I know there isn't a thing I can do to make it better, "Thank you Ahsoka, you're really the only person that's been keeping me together." He looked down to the gift and began pulling off the lid, "Well you and the Chancellor." He added.

My eyes widened, what did he just say-

"This is amazing!" He cut off my thoughts with his excited voice. My heart was still racing for multiples reasons as he pulled the Japor snippet out and dangled it in front of his eyes, "Master (y/l/n) has one just like this."

I nodded; holding my hand out for him to give it to me so I could help him put it on, "I know, Master Skywalker made it for her as a birthday gift. He taught me how to make it, it seemed fitting to give you one," He handed it to me with a beautiful smile on his face, I loved it, this was the first time I've seen him genuinely smile in weeks.

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