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Final Chapter Alert!
Then the Epilogue which I posted at the same time as this♥️
Also I updated a chapter(65) late last night and it is muy importante so please make sure you read that one before this one since I know sometimes it gets mixed up when i update chapters so close together 🥰

Anakin's POV

Flashback/Dream(Age: Anakin-9 You-7)

I ran happily down the hallways towards the one person I wanted to see right now, excited to tell him the good news. I reached his door and knocked eagerly, before waiting patiently for his answer. After a few moments, the door slid open revealing my father figure, also known as my Master.

Obi-Wan smiled down at me, "You look happier than usual," He moved to the side to give room for me, and I keenly entered while still holding my smile. I haven't stopped smiling since it happened, "Was today a good day?" He asked with hope in his voice, since most days were far from it for me.

Many of the other younglings here were either bullies or avoided me like a bug, Obi-Wan said it's because they're afraid of me. But today, something amazing happened, and I no longer cared about how the others treated me.

I jumped onto his bed and sat with my legs dangling over the edge, "I made a friend today." I told him proudly.

His eyes lit up as he used the force to pull a chair over so he could sit in front of me, "You did?" He asked with a smile.

I nodded, "With a Princess."

His brows furrowed in confusion since I'm sure he knows there are no actual Princesses in this temple, "Are we talking imaginary? Because that doesn't count Ana-"

"No," I dismissed his incorrect remark with a giggle, "Shes just as pretty as a Princess, and her name is (y/n), it's a beautiful name." I swooned over her as much as a nine year old could.

Realization crossed his eyes while his smile returned, "I agree; that is a beautiful name, and she's Master Yoda's little one, she's a very sweet girl. A fine choice as a friend."

"Sweet is an understatement," I nervously played with hem of my shirt as I thought about her, "She was really nice to me, way nicer than anyone else here has been to me." I sighed heavily,

Obi-Wan leaned forward in his chair, "I'm happy for Anakin, you deserve to have friends, you're a kindhearted kid." He reached his arm forward and squeezed my shoulder gently, "I'm sorry your time here has been rough, but soon, everyone will see how gifted and amazing you are."

My eyes watered and I quickly blinked the tears away quickly, "Thank you Master, I'm-" My words were cut short by a low knock on the door.

Obi-Wan patted my shoulder before standing up and walking over to his door before opening it, "Well hello there." He greeted the person that I couldn't see in an enthusiastic tone.

"Hi Obi, is Anakin in here, I brought him something."

I immediately recognized the soft voice and I jumped from the bed before taking a nervous breath. Look at me, I barely met her and she was already making me anxious. I can only imagine what things will be like later in life when this friendship hopefully grows.

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