19-Sleep Well

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(y/n)'s POV
"Shoot me." I instructed Dax who stared at me with wide eyes. He looked to the rest of the battalion then back to me. We were all currently in another training session, "Don't be a pussy Dax." I rolled my eyes when I saw he was hesitating.

He shook his head with slightly narrowed eyes at my comment, "I don't want to shoot you General."

"I'll do it!" Jimmy raised his hand as he stepped out from the line up.

I chuckled, of course he would. I nodded, "Alright Dax, go back with the rest and observe." He nodded and moved so Jimmy could step in the place that he was in.

He pulled his blaster out, "Where shall I shoot General?" He questioned with a wide grin.

"The face." I demanded and his eyes widened slightly but then he shrugged.

"I'm assuming there's a purpose to this and I won't be responsible for your death right?" He asked as he set his gun from stun to normal, "General Skywalker and General Yoda will have my head."

I nodded with a chuckle, "You wouldn't be able to kill me even if you really tried." I smirked and he held up the blaster to me. I could feel the anxiety in the room from the men watching, "Now." I instructed and he pulled the trigger.

I held up my hand and caught the blast in the air before it could hit me, just as I did in the Chancellors office a few days ago. I pushed it back towards Jimmy and stopped it right before it hit his face, "Oh shit." His eyes widened as he stepped back.

I chuckled as I looked around the room, "See how easy that was for me?" I flung the blast up and it hit the ceiling, creating a burn mark, "Although it hasn't happened for you yet. There most likely will be a time where you'll come across a force sensitive, one not involved with the order. And one that has bad intentions." I lectured them and they were all listening with great interest, "They can kill you just as easily as I could have killed Jimmy. You can go back with the rest now." I gestured to the line of men and he went back in, "So I need your reflexes to be faster and sharper. I need you to watch where you're shooting, you never know when it will be directed back to you, so you have to be prepared to move out of the way if you can. Are you listening men?" I spoke louder so my voice echoed throughout the room.

"Yes General!" They all shouted simultaneously.

I nodded with a small smile, "Good, now let's begin with some exercises. Dax you're up and don't be a pussy this time."


"Impressive work General (y/l/n)." Anakin walked into the room with a smile on his face as my men began to leave, "Almost gave me a heart attack though." He shook his head with a sigh, "Was having them shoot at you for the past half hour really necessary." He crossed his arms over his chest as he stopped in front of me.

I chuckled, "It definitely was necessary and how long were you watching General Skywalker?" I eyed him flirtatiously.

He looked to make sure no one else was in the room before grabbing me by my hips to pull me close, "I started around the time you called Dax a pussy." He laughed as he brought his lips down to mine and I got butterflies.

"So I heard your mission went well." I spoke up as he pulled away from me. We couldn't be too close for too long, you never know when someone is going to walk in.

He nodded, "Yes, the Chancellor is safe and Jango is in prison. The separatists won't make another attempt anytime soon. He's also doubled his security, so he should be fine for now." He informed me and I sighed with relief. After the events of that day, I was nervous to leave the Chancellor. But he insisted that with the capture of Jango, who I learned was the blueprint for the clones, that his life would be safe.

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