46-Everything They Have

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TW: Torture, Blood, and Violence against slaves
Happy Star Wars Day!! ♥️

Cal's POV
I dropped down onto my knees in exhaustion as I used my sleeve to wipe the sweat from my forehead. It was beyond hot in here and there was no food or water given to any of us. I felt like I was seconds from passing out. Everything hurt; my eyes from the sweat dripping into them, my muscles from consistently working without a break, and my body felt like it was on fire from the heat of this place.

I had to get out of here.

I groaned as I unsuccessfully tugged on the force restraint collar they placed on me. My dirty, sweaty fingers slipped off of the metal material; causing my hands to hit against the rocky wall in front of me. I hissed in pain, bringing my hands up to eye level and noticing my now bloody knuckles.

"Damn it," Tears formed in my eyes as I thought of the horrible situation I was stuck in. How did everything go so wrong so quickly? We barely even had a chance, almost like they knew we were coming. I also didn't know if my Master was okay, I don't know what I'd do if they did anything to her. She's my role model, my friend, and the closest thing to a mother that I have. If I get out of here and she's not okay, I'll tear Zygerria apart.

"Get the fuck up slave," I felt someone pull brutally on the chain that was attached to my collar. It choked me while it dug into my sensitive skin and I was heaved to my feet, "Who said you could rest?" The man in front of me growled as he raised a whip in my direction. I squinted my eyes closed and put up my hands; preparing for the pain.

My screams echoed in this god for saken place as I felt the sting of his weapon slice across my torso; ripping through my clothing and soaking it with my blood.

Then there was another.

Tears sprung from my eyes as I was now laying on the floor in agony, "Please stop." I begged him in a cry while he lifted his weapon again for a third strike.

Until another slaver grabbed his wrist, "Enough, this is why we're always running out. You kill them all." He pulled the whip from my torturers hand, much to my relief, "Besides, he's a fucking kid, he's weaker than the rest. Give him some damn water and put him back to work." He snapped and walked away with the mans whip.

The slaver standing over me grabbed a water canteen from his belt and chugged it; making my dehydrated self watch. My throat was dry and burning, and every time I swallowed I felt like I was going to choke.

He then spat the water that was in his mouth down at me, and I had to hold in a gag while I closed my eyes to protect them, "There's your fucking water." He kicked me on my side and I grunted from the impact, "Now get up, he may have taken my whip. But I still have hands."

I groaned in pain as I pushed myself to get back to my feet. The stinging on my chest was making all of my movements more difficult, but I was doing my best not to think about it, or the possible infection I might get if it's not treated.

I nodded without looking at him and picked up the tool I was originally using. A few tears escaped my eyes as I continued working to avoid anymore painful repercussions; thinking about freedom, thinking about Master (y/l/n), and thinking about Ahsoka.

(y/n)'s POV
Our troops have finally arrived, there were about two and a half dozen clones from the 501st, and approximately forty from my own battalion.

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