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I parked the speeder next to one that looked extremely similar to my own. I sat atop of a cliff and down at the bottom looked to be a small village of Tusken Raiders. He was down there, I could feel him. What worried me is how weak he felt, but at least he was still alive.

I made my way down there and moved around quietly so I didn't alert the attention of the people or their ugly looking pets that were fighting for meat. I reached the small hut where I felt him and luckily for me, there was already a hole cut into it, probably from him.

I stepped inside and my heart dropped at the sight. There were both inside, tied to separate posts.

The only one slightly conscious was Shmi and so I went to her first, "It's me, let me get you off of this." I whispered, but she shook her head weakly and side-eyed Anakin, she was telling me to help him first. I was hesitant for a moment, but I did as she requested. I stepped over to my fiancé and gently pulled the ties off of him, "How do you always manage to get caught?" I sighed sadly, seeing him like this hurt me more than anyone could understand. But I was glad that he was alive, he was slightly beaten up, but he would be okay.

I finally got him down and I laid him gently on the floor, "Mom." He groaned and shifted his head to the side, but he never opened his eyes.

Song on top starts here

"I'm getting her right now Ani." I assured him even though I wasn't sure if he could actually hear me right now or not. I gently caressed his face before standing up to help Shmi down. Her condition was a lot worse than his, I could feel her life force slipping away. I sat on the floor and pulled her head onto my lap as I lightly tapped on her cheek, "Come on Shmi, open your eyes for me." I begged as I started to feel tears form in my eyes.

Her eyes slightly opened, she looked up at me and gave me a weak smile, "Tell my baby that I love him." Her tone was low and broken.

Oh god please no, "No don't go, you can tell him yourself," I sniffled as I held onto her tightly, "You have future grandchildren to meet and our wedding to go to. You have to live," I moved the hair from her face that was stuck to her forehead due to the blood, "Please, I'm not enough for him. He needs you, he needs his mom." My heart was breaking, not just for her, but for him. I don't know if this is something he can survive.

She gave off a weak laugh, "No (y/n), you are everything that he needs. Take care of him for me." She lifted her hand up and wiped a tear from my cheek, "You've given my baby happiness and for that I will love you always." She dropped her hand down and her eyes started to close again.

"No," I growled in anger and pain as I felt her life leaving her completely, "Please," I begged as the feeling in my chest tightened and I felt my heart completely shatter, "Don't leave Shmi." But it was too late, she was gone. Her body slumped down into my arms as her head fell to the side. I sobbed and the tears fell, landing onto her cheeks. They streamed down her face as they mixed with her blood, creating a long red string that fell to the floor, "I love you too and I promise I'll take care of him." I whispered as I set her body on the ground. I hope she heard me, I hope she knows I'll do everything to keep her son happy.

I sat there for a moment as I tried to compose myself. She just got married, she was finally finding her own happiness and her life was ripped from her, for nothing. She was a good woman, she didn't deserve any of this. And neither did Anakin, he didn't deserve to have his mother taken from him. This is going to completely devastate him, he's going to be broken and I have no idea how I'll put him back together.

Song ends here

I was in pain and angry, so angry that I was shaking, I've never felt this strong of an emotion before. There was no reason for this to happen. The sand people had no reason to do this, other than to just be cruel.

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