38-None Of Them

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(y/n)'s POV
I avoided Palpatine's eye contact while I sat anxiously on the red velvet covered chair across from his desk. I had just told him everything, including the sand people; he hasn't said much yet, and I'm afraid to see the disappointment in his eyes.

Because that's what I am now, a disappointment.

"Look at me my dear." His voice came out soft with no hint of judgement. So I slowly glanced up and to my surprise; he was smiling, "Does anyone else know about these, events?"

I nodded leisurely, "Anakin Skywalker knows of the sand people because he was there, but that's it; no one knows about Dooku, not even him." I revealed; looking back down at my hands in which I was nervously rubbing them together.

He stood up from his chair and walked around towards me; he gently placed his hand on my shoulder, "I promise everything will be okay, I'll fix it."

I glanced up at him with furrowed brows, "How are you going to do that?"

His wrinkly smile spread across his lips, "I'm a powerful man my dear, I'm sure I can come up with something to make this unfortunate situation disappear." His hand on my shoulder squeezed a little tighter, "But there's one thing you must promise me if I am going to help you."

I nodded slowly as I wiped the tears from under my eyes. Something deep down was telling me that I shouldn't be listening to this man, that I should run and tell Master Yoda or even Anakin what I did instead and have them help me. But clawing at the surface of my mind was something that was telling me to do the complete opposite, "What is it?"

He dropped down so he was now at my eye level, "Never tell anyone about what you've done," His voice came out more serious than it usually does, "Especially anyone who is a Jedi, you can not trust them (y/n). Not Yoda," He pointed his finger at the ring sitting around my neck, "Not even your fiancé Anakin Skywalker."

I knitted my brows, "How did you-"

He shook his head, "It wasn't very difficult to figure out, he never leaves your side," I saw a slight eye roll that I'm sure was meant to be hidden, does he not like Anakin? "But trust me when I tell you that you can not trust the Jedi, they will never accept you if they learn that it was you who killed an unarmed prisoner. None of them will." His last words stung me more than he will ever know. A part of me thought that at least Anakin wouldn't hate me, but judging by how upset he was in the council chambers, he probably would.

Especially since I promised him I'd never make the same mistake again, but I did it anyway, he'll never look at me the same anymore.

No he wouldn't
He'll never love a murderer
He'll hate you

I quickly gripped my head from the splitting headache that was forming and I silently groaned in pain. The words the voices were telling me only broke my own spirit more.

2nd Person POV
You couldn't see it.

You couldn't see that it was Palpatine manipulating your mind and twisting it to make you believe in him, and no one else. To trust him, and no one else.

You didn't see the smile that spread across his features as you winced in pain from the headache. You didn't see his hand movements where he was currently using the art of force illusions to make you hear what he wanted you to hear.

You were oblivious to the fact that the man in front of you, is the same man who is going to shatter your very mind and soul for his own personal gain.

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