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The Trial

(y/n)'s POV
"How do you plead to the murder of Count Dooku, an unarmed prisoner of the Jedi?" Palpatine stared down at Shaak Ti with an almost threatening glare.

She swallowed nervously as she stood up. Her eyes scanned the room for a moment until they met my own; betrayal flashed through them.

I quickly looked away, feeling shameful, this was all my fault. But I couldn't stop it, I had no choice but to listen. I had no choice but to watch an innocent person pay for my own crimes.

"Guilty." She pleaded solemnly as she looked down to the floor. My heart ached at the solemness her tone carried.

I felt Anakin grab my hand and squeeze it gently from next to me, "Are you okay Princess?" He asked in a soft whisper.

I nodded slowly without meeting his eyes, I didn't want him to see the guilt in my eyes. He knows me better than anyone, and the last thing I need is anymore questions from him, "I'm fine."

Anakin's POV
I didn't have to look into her eyes to know the guilt she was feeling, not that I blamed her, Ti was going to prison for something that she did.

Which raises more questions from me.

Now that I know the truth, I can't help but wonder why Ti is pleading guilty in first place. And judging by how (y/n) feels, I know she didn't make Ti do this, so none of this is making any sense to me..

And I'm sure you're wondering why I'm not doing anything to stop this innocent woman from being locked away after knowing what I now know.

Well, the way I see it is, it's either Ti or (y/n).. and as fucking selfish as it is, I refuse to turn my own fiancé in. I feel absolutely horrible for it, but my mind is made and I'm protecting her over anyone else, and I won't apologize for that.

I'm hoping I can help Ti in the future if I ever get a better understanding of what's even happening, but as of right now, there isn't anything I can do that won't put (y/n) in her place. And that isn't something I'm willing to do.

She would do the same thing for me if the roles were reversed, I know she would.

I know there has to be a good reason for killing Dooku, I refuse to believe otherwise.. if only I can get her to open up to me. I don't want to approach her with the information and make her feel like she's being pushed into a corner. I want her to feel safe enough to tell me herself, I'm just wondering what has been holding her back lately from trusting me. Even after last night when I assured her that there isn't a single thing she could tell me that would make me not love her, she still remained blocked off from me, and it hurt..

I squeezed her hand a little tighter to comfort her and then released it, before anyone around us noticed our close contact.

I sighed sadly and quietly as I leaned back in my seat and watched as Ti received her sentence. My gaze slowly traveled to Palpatine, he seemed a little too joyful for a circumstance such as this one.

The way his wrinkly lips tugged into a devious smile when the guards began to take her away made my skin crawl. And I noticed that during the entire trial, Ti avoided his stare at all costs, it seemed a little suspicious to me. It was almost like she was afraid to look into his eyes.

But why would she be afraid of him?

I brought my hand up to my chin and thought back to my conversation with her in the hall, the one that took place just before he had shown up.

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