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(This is more of a lighthearted chapter that I wanted to do for fun and I really hope you like it♥️)

(y/n)'s POV
I was currently sitting on a bench in the Temple gardens, on my own, reading a book given to me by Master Yoda regarding the topic of psychosis. He thought it would be best if I read and understood my condition better. And knowing him, he's already read it and is gonna test me on it so it's not like I can pretend I read it. I actually have to.

Also, luckily I haven't had any episodes these past few weeks. Soon, I plan to talk to the doctor about stopping medication, fingers crossed all goes well once I stop.

A pair of fingers gripped the top of the book and pushed it down, revealing the face of my handsome boyfriend, "I was reading that." I raised my brow with a grin.

"And I'll let you get back to it, but first, I have something important to ask you." He sat comfortably across from me on the and I gave him my full attention, "So do you remember at the ball when I told you that my mom was getting married?" He questioned as he tilted his head to the side.

I nodded as I fully closed my book and set it on my lap, "Yes I remember."

A wide grin spread across his lips, "It's in two days, and I was wondering if you want to come with me. And before you say anything, yes I talked to Master Yoda and he approved it."

I chuckled in response, "Anakin Skywalker are we taking the big step where I officially meet your mother as your girlfriend?" Not just that, but I'm going to officially be meeting her in person. I've only ever had five second conversations with her through holograms and the last one was probably when I was fourteen.

He looked around the garden to make sure we were alone before reaching over and placing his hand on my cheek as he gazed lovingly into my eyes, "Only if you want to and I've already told her about us too. She was more than excited," He chuckled, "And apparently her and Cliegg had a bet." He sighed with a grin as he shook his head and dropped his hand down to his thigh.

I narrowed my eyes, "Is there a single person that didn't have a bet regarding our love life?" I folded my arms across my chest and leaned my back against the bench.

He rolled his eyes playfully as he reached his arm behind the bench and into a flower bush, "At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Count Dooku had a bet of his own." He pulled out a purple Campanula bellflower and eyed it as he twisted the stem between his fingers. It was same flower I was obsessed with stealing from here when we were kids. I always thought they were the prettiest ones in the whole garden.

I chuckled at his joke, "I swear, everyone knew we were in love with each other, besides us. Maybe if they would have told us something instead of placing bets, we would've been together sooner." I sighed with an eye roll.

He leaned forward and set the flower on top of my book and I gave it a smile, "Maybe, but you were worth the wait my Princess," He leaned more forward and kissed me quickly on the lips, I felt my cheeks go red in response, "So will you go?" He questioned with a pearly smile when he backed away, his blue eyes gazed softly into mine making me get butterflies.

How could I ever say no to him? I nodded, "I would be honored General Skywalker." I smirked as I called him the name he loved hearing from me.

He chuckled as he stood up from the bench, "I can't wait," He walked backwards away from me towards the door, "I'll let you get back to your book and no freaking out. She's going to love you." He spoke a little louder so I could hear him as he created distance between us.

I smiled to him as I twisted the flower stem in my fingers just as he did, before he turned to leave, "I won't freak out."


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