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TW: Blood

Anakin's POV
I told Obi-Wan that I would remain calm.

Well.. I didn't.

"Anakin, no!" My former Master held onto me while I tried to lunge at Mace with rage in my eyes. I had every intention of ripping him in half. How dare he; how fucking dare he put (y/n) and Cal in harms way for the sake of information.

I struggled against Obi-Wan's grip while some of the council members eyed my actions with disappointment. Mostly because half of them knew about this horrible plan already, and agreed that it was a good idea. The other half claims they didn't know about the plan, probably because Mace knew they wouldn't agree, which included; Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, and Aayla Secura, who had replaced Shaak Ti's seat. Not to mention Obi-Wan and Yoda. Speaking of Yoda; he isn't here either, he was gone by the time we got here.

"What the hell is the matter with you people?" I shouted and my voice echoed in the room. I can't think of a single time where I've been this enraged before. Now I have to go after them and get them out of whatever horrible situation they were thrown in.

Mace stood up from his chair with an expression that showed he was irritated with me, "You need to calm down Skywalker," He spoke to me in a threatening tone, which only made me fight against Obi-Wan even more, "This has been a well thought out plan. I gave Padawan Kestis a tracker, so as soon as (y/l/n) and him are moved to the location with the other slaves, we will follow and release them all. They will both be returned home soon."

I pushed Obi-Wan off of me and stepped towards Mace with a slightly more calm demeanor, but I was still shaking from trying to control my anger, "Well thought out?" I laughed humorlessly, "You placed my best friend and a child in the hands of slavers." I shook my head in disbelief, of course he wouldn't understand the gravity of the situation. He doesn't know what being a slave is like, what horrible things slavers will do to exhibit dominance, "You have no idea the kind of tortures that could be happening to them right now. You could have at least told her about your plan so they would be prepared, but you let them walk into a trap."

Why didn't they just trust her to get the information herself? Why did they have to hand them over like this?

It felt like a betrayal.

He raised a brow, "Best friend?" He scoffed with an eye roll, "I thought you two hated each other."

The fact that that's all he got from what I said, truly shows you the kind of emotionless bastard he is.

I stepped closer to him with a menacing glare, "No, you I hate." I growled through gritted teeth, before shooting my glance around the room at the other leering Jedi, "Is this seriously the Jedi way? Using your friends, people who trust you, as fucking bait?"

I could tell my words caused a few of them to feel guilty, but of course, that didn't include the one who was standing in front of me.

"It was for the greater good, we are now about to learn the location of the missing Togru-"

I raised my fist and aimed it right for him, but to my annoyance, Obi-Wan used the force to stop me. I know he was only doing it because of the amount of trouble I would get in if I really did hit him, but it seriously ticked me off, "Enough," He growled as he waved two fingers and I was pushed a few feet away from Mace with the force, "Mace, what you did was wrong," Obi-Wan scolded him with a stern tone, " You should have never gone over the heads of me or Grandmaster Yoda with this."

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