35-What's To Come

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(y/n)'s POV
"There's his ship over there." I pointed to the familiar vessel in the distance as I guided my own ship to land next to it.

Cal gave me a curious look, "How did you know exactly where his ship was?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, "I may have placed a tracker on his ship about a year ago." Thats how I always find his 'constantly getting caught' ass. I glanced over to my Padawan and placed one finger over my lips,"Don't tell him about it though." I sung with a wink and turned back to face the front so I could focus on landing.

He hummed, "So I have to ask, you and Master Skywalker, are you-"

"Just friends?" Interrupted him quickly, "Yes." I side-glanced him awkwardly and he was giving me a knowing smile.

"If you say so." He sung as I did earlier and moved his attention away from me. Well it looks like Anakin and I are going to have to be extra careful around him.

I sighed as I landed, "We are just friends, relationships and attachments are forbidden Cal, you know this." I glanced over to him with a cocked brow.

He rolled his eyes in response with a small sigh, "Don't tell anyone I said this Master, but I think that rule is stupid." He told me with a huff as he unclipped his belt and stood up.

I smiled slightly, "I don't disagree." I responded in a tone low enough so he wasn't able to hear me as I unclipped myself and stood up as well. We both walked off of our ship and I eyed Anakin's, it was covered in brand new scorch marks. I glanced over to an entrance into a rocky building not too far from here, "I can't feel him, although I can feel-"

As if on cue, Ahsoka dropped down next to us with her lightsabers in hand, "Oh thank god it's you two." She sighed with relief as she retracted both of her green blades, Artoo rolled up next to her with a few annoyed beeps, "Skyguy and Kenobi got caught voluntarily and I'm supposed to sneak in through a vent to aid in an escape, trouble is, Artoo and I can't find any that aren't blocked off." She shrugged with an worried look in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he'd get caught voluntarily," I sighed as I grabbed my lightsaber from my belt, "Artoo stay with Anakin's ship and get it ready for a quick take off." I ordered the droid who beeped obediently, before turning and rolling up the ramp. I don't want to have to leave my own ship here, but if a quick get away is what we'll need, then I'll make the sacrifice. I turned and faced the two Padawan's, "You two; get your weapons ready, stay behind me, and let's go." I gestured for them to follow me.

They both quickly caught up to my pace and followed obediently on both sides of me, "How are we getting in?" Cal questioned.

I gestured towards the front entrance that we were currently walking towards with a smile on my face,"The front door, obviously." Like I would have it any other way.

Anakin's POV
"I really hope this is a part of your elaborate plan Anakin." Obi-Wan sighed from next to me as we both hung from our force-restraint prisons.

I turned my head to him with a positive grin, "Of course it is, we can't actually talk if we're in the middle of combat and I can't risk him running away. So getting caught was the best idea I could come up with." I shrugged slightly as I faced the closed door; waiting for Dooku to enter it eventually, "Why do you think snips and Artoo didn't come in with us; they'll help with our escape once I give the signal."

"How can you possibly give a signal in this condition?" He asked negatively.

I rolled my eyes, "Just have a little faith in me Master."

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