7-Broke Me First

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Captain Max's POV
"Alright men who had today for the bet?" I walked into the room and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're joking."

"Well I'll be damned."

"What did you see?"

I smirked, "I was doing my normal rounds and I saw him and her walking into his room." I answered happily as I tossed my helmet to the side, I'll clean it later.

"Yes! You all owe me twenty credits each." A trooper shouted from the end of the room.

"Hold on how do we know that's what they're even doing?" Dax questioned, clearly not wanting to pay up.

"It's the middle of the night Dax, what else could they be doing?" I responded with a shrug.

"I don't know, maybe they're just playing with their laser sticks, they seem to do that a lot." He shrugged as well.

"Oh they're playing with a stick alright." Jimmy smirked.

"Jimmy!" We all shouted in unison.

He chuckled, "Joking men, joking. But Dax is right, it could be anything, we need solid proof."

I sat on my bunk and laid back, "And how do we get that without getting caught, it's not like we can just open the door. What if we see something we can't unsee?" I shivered at the thought.

Dax sat up, "Alright, show of hands; who is bold enough to stick their ear to the door?" Not a single one of the twelve troopers in the room raised their hand, he sighed, "Fine, I'll do it."

(y/n)'s POV
"Are you sure you're comfortable down there?" He asked in an annoyed tone. I was consistently shuffling around, due to the hardness of the floor.

"I'm perfect." I lied, my back was killing me. But this was somehow better than the alternative of being in my room right now.

I heard the bed creak and saw him poke his head out to look down at me, "Just get up here, I'll make a pillow wall."

I rolled my eyes, "fuck n-" I was cut off with a pillow smacking my face.

"Get the fuck up here." He snapped as he pulled himself back to the bed, so his face was no longer in view.

I sighed and stood up, he was currently placing three pillows vertically for a wall near where our bodies would be, "Fine," I gave in as I walked around to the right side and laid down under the covers, "Why do you have so many pillows?" I asked when I noticed he had a total of five.

"I like to be comfortable, is that a crime?" He responded with attitude.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh my god, it was just a question." I turned on my right side, the side I sleep on all time time and closed my eyes.

"Can you face the other direction?" He sighed and I opened my eyes, realizing that we were facing each other.

I narrowed my eyes, "No, I always sleep on this side, you turn around."

Now he narrowed his eyes at me, "No, I like to sleep on my left side."

I shrugged, "Well then I guess you just have to deal with it." I smiled and closed my eyes again.

"Or I can just, take back my invitation for you to be here." He spoke in a smug tone.

My eyes shot open at his words, "Please don't." My voice came out more scared than I expected it to.

His smug expression fell, "Do you want to tell me what you saw?"

I looked down and away from him for a moment before meeting his blue eyes again, "I don't know what I saw. All I know, is that it felt real, too real."

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