Epilogue: Deliverance

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I posted this at the same time as chapter 66 so make sure you read that one as well, the order doesn't matter since the events are somewhat parallel 🥰
This is shorter than normal chapters at only
1.5k words

3rd Person POV
Bright lights were all (y/n) could see as she slowly, and painfully opened her eyes. The ache in her lungs was pushing to be unbearable, but the pain in her heart over the last moments she had before her whole world went dark, overshadowed that.

She did it all for him, and it was all for nothing.

She tried to move, but her body felt stiff, broken down from exhaustion after fighting the man she loved. She could feel the burning sting across her facial features where his blade cut through her skin, any deeper and he would have killed her.

Palpatine could have easily healed it, he could have easily healed all her wounds, including her lungs.

But no, he wanted her to have a constant painful reminder of what 'Anakin Skywalker' did to her. He wanted her to hate him, he wanted her to stay being his puppet. And he knew this was necessary because he could feel that Anakin didn't perish on Mustafar like he had hoped. He fears that as long as he's alive, there's hope of her returning to him, so he knows he must plant a loathing for him inside of her.

But other than that; his plan worked out flawlessly. The day he found her on Coruscant, he saw the bond they shared and chose to use it for his own advantage. And it was better than he could have ever expected.

He used the very love that (y/n) and Anakin shared to create a deadly hostility between them, thus shattering her heart and her hope for a happy life; pushing her into a state of constant suffering. Believing that the man she loved no longer loved her, that he turned his back on her when she needed him most. Sidious needed the monster he took so long crafting to lurk in the shadows, and do his bidding.

(y/n) moved her fingers and they twitched slightly, catching Sidious's and another's attention.

She felt a familiar presence and so she looked slowly to her right, and met the emerald eyes of her former Padawan. He looked just as frightened as she felt, but she wasn't sure what it was that scared him in this moment. Was he afraid of her? Sidious? Or just afraid of what the future will hold for them.

And it is for them, Cal vowed to go wherever she goes, his loyalty is with her, and no one else.

He was ripped apart inside over Ahsoka, but he hid it. He pushed it down and focused on the broken woman in front of him, she is who needed him right now. He reached forward and placed his hand in hers where they squeezed each other gently for comfort, "I'm here Master." He spoke softly.

She blinked away a tear as she looked up at the blinding lights, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Her breathing was raspy and weak while the air that filled her lungs, burned like a fire that was spreading inside of her. She wanted to talk to him, to tell him how thankful she was for him, but it was too painful.

"Hold on my dear, I know just what will ease your suffering." She heard Sidious's voice
from her left and a droids arm came into view.


She prayed for it.

But she wasn't so lucky.

Her eyes watered more as she watched a mask slowly descend towards her face, "Ana-" Her weakened voice couldn't finish his name.

Even after everything, she still loved him, he held her very soul in the palm of his hand.

But she knew it was too late for them, she knew that everything was ruined. But she couldn't understand why, she did everything for him; to keep them together. She didn't recognize why he would turn his back on her the way he did.

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