3-Go Away

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"This is all your fault." I spat.

"My fault! You threw it first!" Anakin yelled.

I scoffed, "You're such a liar, can you ever speak the truth for once in your pathetic life?"

"Here's a truth; I hate you." He snapped.

"Oh I hate you more Skywalker." I snapped back.

Obi-Wan sighed as he shook his head, "That doesn't sound like team work to me."

There may have been a slight argument in the middle of the cafeteria. Which resulted in a food fight, but it wasn't me who started it. It was this ass, but he's refusing to fess up to it. Like the mashed potatoes just magically appeared in my hair.

Our masters were none too pleased though. We were currently outside, lying on our backs, holding a speeder above us with the force.

"This has to be illegal!" I yelled to our masters who were watching us struggle with a smile.

My master shook his head, "Illegal it is not. Deserve this you do." They really weren't kidding when they said they came up with pretty creative punishments.

But this is borderline insane.

I grunted as the speeder inched closer to us, "And what if this thing falls huh? You're going to be cleaning up two dead knights!" Anakin shouted at them.

"Let it fall on you, I will not." Master Yoda chuckled.

"But if you do let it fall and we have to save you. Then you'll be doing this for another hour." Obi-Wan crossed his arms and eyed us with amusement.

We both groaned in response as we continued holding this up. Neither of us wanting to turn our heads to look at the other.

Obi-Wan walked over and knelt next to our faces, "There is one thing you can do and we'll let you stop." Anakin sighed with relief, I on the other hand knew it wasn't going to be something we were going to like, "You can each say one nice thing about the other, just one." He held up his index finger to indicate the number one. What are we; teenagers?

We groaned again since we knew that wasn't going to happen, "I'd rather do this." I snorted as I turned my gaze back to the blue speeder five feet above us.

"Agreed." Anakin scoffed.

Obi-Wan sighed, "Why do you guys even hate each other? You used to be so close."

I rolled my eyes, "Ask him. I couldn't even tell you."

Flashback(Age: You-14 Anakin-16)
I just left the training room after having an extremely awkward encounter with my friend Brian. But I'll get to that later, right now I had one thing on my mind. Which was to go see Anakin, especially after what just happened.

It was his 16th birthday today and I had made him a necklace, one that matched the one he gave me on my 12th birthday.

I found him in the hallways walking the same direction I was, "Anakin!" I called to him but to my confusion, he didn't turn around. Maybe he didn't hear me, "Anakin!" I called again, still nothing. I started to run to him and when I reached him I grabbed his shoulder and he spun around, holding an expression I have never seen before, "I-I was calling you."

He looked away from me for a moment before looking back into my eyes, "What do you want?" He asked, a little more harsh than usual.

Okay maybe he just had a bad day, "I got your birthday present." I pulled it out of my pocket and held it up to him with a smile.

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