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(y/n)'s POV
This isn't what I wanted..

"How do you plead to the murder of Count Dooku, an unarmed prisoner of the Jedi?" Palpatine looked down at the person in front of him with an almost threatening glare.

They swallowed nervously as they stood up. Their eyes met my own for a second; betrayal flashed through them.

I quickly looked away, feeling shameful, this was all my fault. But I couldn't stop it, I had no choice but to listen. I had no choice but to watch an innocent person pay for my own crimes.



48 hours earlier
"Come on Max, you rusty?"  I teased him after I successfully dropped him to the floor in less than a minute.

I held my hand out to him with a smirk; he sighed as he accepted it and I helped pull him back to his feet, "No, you just cheated."

"Ah but there's no cheating in combat," Cal spoke up from the other side of the mat and I smiled at him with a proud nod; glad to know that he actually pays attention when I teach.

"You hear that Max, a fourteen year old is smarter than you." I smirked; pushing on his shoulder playfully.

He chuckled as he backed away from me and got into his fighting stance, "Let's go again then General."

I was just about to get in my stance when the sound of shouting echoed along the walls of the training room. I glanced to the side to see my fiancé rushing in, "(y/n) come with me, it's urgent." He gestured for me to follow him, my heart dropped into my stomach; worried that this might have to do with his Dooku investigation.

I turned my gaze to Max, "I'll be back, go practice with Cal for now and don't go easy on him either." I gave a half-smile and a two finger salute, before rushing after Anakin.

Once I reached him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me with him quickly as we rushed down the hallways, "You won't believe this." He sighed as he pressed the button for a random room to open and gestured for me to go inside.

I stepped inside nervously and the empty room that only had a single desk with a few boxes in the corners. Confused; I turned around to see Anakin standing in front of the now closed door with a devious smile on his face, "Why are we in here and what won't I believe?" I asked with a bemused tone.

He stepped forward and grabbed my hand to pull me closer; lowering his face to mine, "That I haven't kissed my fiancé today." He spoke soft as he rubbed my jawline with his gloved index finger.

I sighed with relief, oh thank the gods, "Anakin you freaked me out, I thought it was something serious." I smacked him on the chest; causing him to breathe out a minty chuckle.

"This is serious," He shrugged innocently, "Well to me, it is." He smirked before pressing his lips to mine smoothly and I giggled into it; wrapping my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss while my heart beat in a way that only he can ensue. If it wasn't for this amazing man, I would have broken down by now over everything I've been feeling lately.

He is my anchor, without him I'd fall to pieces.

"I miss you when we're apart, can't you come join me on the investigation?" He departed his lips from my mine and cupped my cheeks softly; lifting my face up to keep my eyes on his.

I shook my head with a sigh, "No, I have my own things to do, not to mention I might be sent to Zygerria in a couple of days."

He narrowed his eyes at the mention of the slavers planet, "Why are you going there?" He asked with a hint of malice in his tone, he has a deep hatred for slavers; which is justified.

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