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Cal's POV
I sat in the same chair she used to sit in whenever it was her who was here, instead of me. I rubbed my index finger along my chin as I was lost in my own mind; all my thoughts were stuck on Ahsoka and the way I left her earlier.

I felt terrible, especially since we finally spoke our true feelings and shared our first kiss together. I didn't even get to talk to her about it and tell her how much I loved it; Or to talk about what she wanted to do regarding our relationship.

I wanted to make it official, I wanted to be with her and be able to call her mine.

But I doubt she'll still want to be with me after I snapped at her the way I did. It's just that ever since my Masters's disappearance, I haven't been myself, I've been so emotionally drained and I let it out on her. I didn't even bother to get her side of things..

As soon as I'm done here, I have to go find her and apologize. I don't want to lose her, she's been my rock through everything.

"Is everything alright Cal?" The Chancellor's voice drew me away from my thoughts.

I snapped my eyes up to meet his with an apologetic smile, "Yes I'm fine I didn't mean to doze off, what were you saying?" I brought my arm down and laid it on the chair's armrest.

He nodded with a smile to indicate that he accepted my apology, "You know, I think (y/n) would have enjoyed us getting to know each other," He leaned his back in his chair while maintaining eye contact with me, "She loves you dearly you know, she spoke very highly of you just about every time she was here," He chuckled and I smiled to stop myself from crying. I just wish we knew what happened to her, it's the not knowing that makes everything worse.

I fought through my sad emotions and kept a smile on my face, "Yeah she had a habit of making me sound more skillful than I really am, but everything I've learned came from her."

His wrinkly smile grew, "Oh I know. But I do believe you are just as talented as she says. You truly are an impressive young man, it's a shame that the Jedi have treated you so poorly." He gave me a sly smile and my own smiled dropped as I recalled what the Order did to me.. I also have a permanent scar across my chest as a reminder.

"She told you about that?" I asked with a sigh. I knew it had to have been her, since what they did never actually reached the republic media. The Jedi Council didn't want it to get out that they used a fourteen year old, at the time, as bait and caused him to be tortured; the selfish bastards feared their reputation above all.

And that's all they cared about.. but what about me? I'm the one who went through hell, I'm the one who fears any sound resembling a whip, and I no longer trust the people I thought I would give my life for. Also, the only ones who have come to check on me in person are the ones in my inner circle; Master Skywalker, Master Yoda, and Master Kenobi, the rest haven't even bothered, almost like they think pretending it never happened will make it go away and everyone would eventually forget their deceit.

But no, I still remember, I will always remember.

The Chancellor sighed sadly, "Yes she told me, she was very upset about it, as am I," He shook his his in disappointment over the Councils choices, "You didn't deserve what they did, someone like you should valued, not used."

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