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We both laid there in the bed, he looked like he was sleeping. His bare chest was rising and falling softly. I, on the other hand, couldn't sleep. I was afraid of seeing that thing again if I closed my eyes. So as creepy as it sounds, I was watching him sleep. He looked peaceful and he was ten times less annoying this way. I was surprised by his gesture when he picked me up and carried me in here, I'm starting to think that he doesn't hate me as much as he says he does.

I broke out out of my thoughts by the sound of scratching, I shot up out of the bed and looked to the wall that connected to my bedroom. That's where the scratching was coming from. Maybe it's a rat? No we don't have rats. What can it be then? I stood up quietly so I wouldn't wake him up and walked over to the wall. I put my ear to it and as soon as I did, the scratching stopped, "(y/n)." I heard my name in a whisper and I jumped back away from it. I stared at the wall confused, scare, and wondering if I really heard that. It was so low.

"What are you doing?" Anakin's voice startled me and screamed a little as I spun around to face him.

"I-" I began, but stopped when I heard the scratching again and turned to face the wall, "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He questioned as he stood up from the bed and came to my side. Then it stopped.

"You're telling me you didn't hear scratching on the wall?" I looked to him confused. How did he not hear that? It wasn't exactly quiet.

He shook his head and placed his hand on my forehead, "Nope no fever," He dropped his hand down, "Have you slept at all?"

I sighed and shook my head, "No, I haven't."

"Come on then." He grabbed my shoulder and led me back to the bed, "You'll feel better after you sleep, trust me." He half smiled as we each got on either side of our pillow wall.

I sighed again as my head hit the pillow, "I guess." I think maybe it is time for me to tell Master Yoda. It's all starting to get out of hand. I'll tell him first thing in the morning.

Anakin and I were currently facing each other, "Thanks for letting me stay." I spoke as I closed my eyes.

"Don't get used to it." He responded and I internally rolled my eyes. I didn't say anything more and I started to finally fall asleep. When I was almost there I felt something on my cheek, fingers? I opened my eyes and I saw Anakin quickly pull his hand back.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

He turned around to face away from me, "There was a spider."

"What?" I sat up quickly and smacked at my own face, ew I hate spiders!

He turned and chuckled at my reaction, "It's already gone, go to sleep." He turned back around but I could still hear him slightly laughing at me.


"Concerning this is." Master Yoda sighed once I told him everything that has been happening to me.

I was walking along with him in the hallways, "What do you think it means?"

"Know, I do not." He tapped his cane on the floor with every step he took, "Meditate you must, clear your mind." I rolled my eyes, I knew that would be his magical solution.

I folded my arms as we turned a corner, "Yeah I'll get right on that." I eyed down the hall and saw a few of my troops, "I'll come back and talk to you later okay?" I looked down at my small green father figure. He looked up to me with a nod and I hurried down the hall.

"Ah General, how are you feeling?" Captain Max asked me as I approached him, Dax, Jimmy, and Edge.

I smiled with a nod, "Better thanks, but listen there's something I've been meaning to ask you guys."

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