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(y/n)'s POV
"If you plan to be Mrs.Skywalker, you're going to have to do better than that." Anakin teased me as he held his lightsaber to my neck. I rolled my eyes as he retracted the blade and offered me a hand. As soon as I got to my feet; I smacked him on the arm and he gave me irritable scowl, "What the hell was that for?"

I shrugged as I called my lightsaber to my hand and placed it on my belt, "For cheating."

His annoyed expression dropped into an amused one and he shook his head with a chuckle, "We both know I didn't cheat, you're just a sore loser." He pushed my against shoulder playfully; causing me to chuckle as well. My head slightly pounded from the constant headache I've been having lately. No matter how many times I take a pain killer, it barely dulls the pain. The best way to describe what it feels like is; someone clawing at my brain constantly. It was aggravating and it's been putting me in a sour mood lately. I rubbed my temples slightly to help ease the pain, "Again?" My fiancé asked in a concerned tone as he stepped in front of me. He brought his hand to my chin to lift my head up; bringing my gaze to his crystal blue irises.

I don't know how it's even possible, but his gaze alone is enough to soften some of the torment. I nodded, "Yes and I don't know why it won't go away." I sighed in frustration.

He rubbed my shoulder with his other hand, "Maybe you should go back and see the doctor, you have had quite a few concussions." He spoke to me a soft and caring tone, "We can go now if you want, I'll take you."

I shook my head, "No, they're most likely just going to give me more pain killers and then Master Yoda is gonna think I'm ill again or something." I rolled my eyes. I removed his hold from me and walked over to the side of the mat to pick up my water.

"Ah here, you two are." Master Yoda walked in with a little ginger haired youngling next to him.

"Hey Master Yoda," I smiled at him weakly to hide my discomforting condition, but I didn't acknowledge the child. I don't know what it is about younglings, but I'm not a fan. Probably from the endless classes I've had to teach and they drove me completely insane. I'm not saying I wouldn't want any of my own one day, sure, but only one. And that is only if Anakin wants any, if not, then zero is cool too.

He smiled in return with a nod, "Have something for you I do." His smile looked a bit mischievous and it was making me incredibly nervous. My eyes darted between him and the boy. Oh this better not be what I think it is, "This is your padawan." He gestured to the boy and my smiled immediately dropped.

"Hi I'm Cal Kestis." The kid smiled and held a hand out to me.

I shook my head and waved my hands in front as I heard Anakin laughing from behind me, "Hold on, hold on, no I did not order one of these." I pointed to the boy who's hand dropped with a confused look.

Yoda scowled at me with a head shake for the response I gave, "Next step to becoming a Master this is. Have a choice, you do not. A wonderful Jedi you are, a wonderful teacher you will be."

I sighed in annoyance as Anakin continued to laugh, "This is too good." My fiancé placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know how much you've always wanted one." He teased sarcastically, he knows how much I've never wanted one. I smacked him roughly on the arm; which only humored him more.

Master Yoda began to laugh too; causing us both to look at him with furrowed brows, "Funny is it? Come in you can." He spoke a little louder and stepped to the side; a young Togruta girl came into view from the doorway, "Yours this one is." He smiled happily up at Anakin who's jaw dropped to the floor. Now it was my turn to give him a smug grin.

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