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(Happy to announce that I passed my exam and I wrote this to celebrate hehe I had so much fun with this one! Gotta love the clones♥️)

Captain Max's POV
"Alright men, you know who your targets are." I looked to Jimmy, Dax, and Edge, "General (y/l/n) is here right now," I pointed to the training room on the map, she was currently punching out her frustrations, "She is my target, I'll take care of her. Moving on to General Skywalker, he's here sulking." I pointed to his bedroom on the map, poor guy. "He's all yours Edge."

"Ready for it sir." He responded and I nodded.

I then pointed to the mess hall, "Brian is here having dinner, he's yours Jimmy and remember what I said. No murder." I pointed to him in a scolding manner and he rolled his eyes in response.

"Can never have any fun." He sighed.

"Now the last one is all you Dax, the Senator." I moved my finger over the entrance of the temple, "I had Captain Rex place a call to her office pretending that General Skywalker wanted to see her. So she should be arriving shortly."

"I'll get her the second she steps through those doors." He clapped his hands together with excitement.

I chuckled, "Good, now once we have all of our targets, we rendezvous to this point," I pointed to the council room, "This is where General Kenobi and General Yoda will be awaiting their arrival." They all nodded to show me they understood the plan. I stood up and folded the map, "Alright men, let's move out."

Dax's POV
"Senator Amidala, a true pleasure." I stepped in front of her path and she knitted her brows together.

"Do I know you?" She questioned with confusion in her tone.

I smiled, "Not yet," I grabbed her arm, "Come with me."

"Excuse me, I'm a Senator!" She protested as I pulled her to the rendezvous point.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah."

Jimmy's POV
"Brian right?" I stepped over to his table as he was eating, he stopped mid-bite to look up at me.

"Uh yeah?" He responded with confusion as he set his utensil down.

I nodded with a sigh, I really wanted to fight him for taking part in hurting the General, she's a like a sister to all of us. But orders are orders, "Perfect," I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up, "You're coming with me."


"Shut up." I hushed him as I pulled him out of the mess hall. Good thing he's scrawny and I'm much more built, I pulled him out with ease.

Captain Max's POV
"How are you doing General?" I asked as I walked into the room. She was currently placing punches against a punching bag.

"Fine." She responded as she spun and kicked it aggressively, any harder and the chain would have broke.

I'm a little scared now, "Listen I-"

"Not right now Max, I want to be alone." She cut me off with a deep sigh before grabbing her water and taking a drink, all without looking up to me.

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