34-Spring It

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Anakins POV
"Anakin slow down!" Obi-Wan shouted in a panic as I flew our ship through Geonosis, quickly dodging shots that were aimed at us by Dooku's droid army.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah sure," I responded sarcastically, "Let me do that, so we can get blasted into oblivion!" I shouted as I took a quick turn to avoid crashing straight into a cliff.

"Skyguy, shouldn't we just head back into space? You know, away from all the droids!" Ahsoka yelled out as she closed her eyes when I was heading straight for an orange wall, I quickly pulled up to glide upwards along the rocky cliff. Causing the two ships that were following me to crash right into it. The sound of their ships exploding was like music to my ears.

I chuckled as Ahsoka grabbed onto her seat eagerly for support, "Come on Snips, where's your sense of adventure?" I shrugged as I pulled the handles down so I could straighten out the ship once we reached the edge of the cliff and the terrain flattened out, "Besides, I can't leave; Dooku is here, I can feel him." I growled as I turned us around to head towards his signature. After three long weeks of searching for him; I finally found him.

I'm impatient when it comes to finding out who's s been hurting my fiancé, she just barely recovered from the medicine switching incident.The effect the drugs had on her body was too difficult for her, especially due to the high volume of pills that she consumed. So for awhile there, she wasn't doing too well; her headaches were painfully intense, her stomach would get vastly upset and I'd be up with her during the late hours of the night trying to soothe her by rubbing her belly while she cried, and she had one more seizure not long after Obi-Wan and Cal left that day; good thing Cal didn't have to see that. But to our relief, she's finally doing better. She hasn't been cleared for duty yet, but she's been walking around again and spending most of her time with her Padawan; especially since I haven't been around much lately. I might have been obsessing over finding Dooku; which worked to my benefit.

"Master Skywalker!" Ahsoka shouted; pulling me out of my thoughts just in time to for me to see a separatist ship that was heading for us dead on. I dodged its bullets and shot at it before lifting up to avoid the black and orange cloud that was made from its explosion.

I chuckled as I looked to my Padawan who was giving me an annoyed stare, "That was close." I smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes as she tightened her grip on her seat. She did beg to come, so now she must endure my flying.

"Please no more turns." I heard Obi-Wan getting sick into the trash chute behind me. I glanced to his empty pilot seat; I didn't even see him get up.

I chuckled in amusement as I turned around for a brief moment to see him composing himself, "You would think that you'd be used to this by now." I shrugged slightly as I faced the front of the ship once more.

I heard him let out a deep sigh and the sound of his footsteps coming to my side, "I will never, get used to your reckless flying Anakin, never." He aggressively grabbed the water bottle next to me and turned back around to go wash out his mouth.

I gazed around the area in front of me and I couldn't see anymore enemy ships; which felt a little off, I could have sworn there were more, "I'm going to land." I spoke hesitantly. We were being attacked head on by a dozen ships, now they just completely stopped; it was like he wants us to get to him.

I snorted, that's exactly what he wants; it's obvious that he's setting up a trap, he can probably feel my desperation. He knows that I'm going to walk right into it; I have no choice but to, he has vital information that I plan to beat out of him.

Ahsoka was eying the area just as I was, "I don't know Master, this doesn't seem right." She turned her gaze to me with a look of worry.

I sighed. "I know, but this is my only shot. I know he knows something about a possible traitor, and this traitor has to be the one that keeps putting (y/n) in a fucking hospital bed." I growled as I tightened my grip on the handles of the ship.

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