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It's been a week since Anakin and I had our argument in the hallway. Usually we would still at least talk, granted it was always insults, but at least we talked. Now it's nothing. It's pure silence whenever the other enters the room. It's not even like I haven't tried talking either, I did, once. I wanted to know what he meant when he called me a heart breaking hypocrite. But of course, in return, all I got was a death glare. Then, he proceeded to walk away from me.

So I never tried again.

"Something more important on your mind?" Master Windu broke me out of my thoughts.

I sighed, he was trying to give me my mission assignment and I wasn't even listening to him, "I'm sorry Master, I'm fine. Please continue with the mission details."

He nodded, "Alright, you'll be taking your battalion to Felucia. There you will be dealing with the separatist General Kalani and his droid army," I rolled my eyes, not this droid again. "We trust you will take out the threat."

I stood up from the chair, "You can count on me Master Windu." I bowed respectfully, "I'll leave within the next hour." I turned to leave the briefing room to go get my squad ready.

"Oh and General (y/l/n)," He called to me and I turned back around, "Do be careful, we just lost General Luminara. We don't need to lose anyone else." He eyed me sadly, I felt kind of bad for him. He was a hard man to deal with half of the time, but he was good friends with Luminara. Her death devastated him.

I nodded, "I'll do my best Master." I smiled and left the room to prepare myself for the mission ahead.


"Are you ready troopers?" I asked my battalion as we inched closer to Felucia, I could already see the smoke from the damage the droids were creating.

"Yes General!"

"Born ready, literally."

"Those clankers won't know what hit 'em."

"I've been itching for a fight."

I smiled at the excited talks of my men behind me, "Captain Max, I'm going for the big one." I smirked as I eyed the massive walking droid that was tearing down the surrounding plants. And of course on top, was General Kalani. Oh how I can't wait to slice that droid General in half. He's been quite a nuisance lately.

Captain Max came up next to me, "Wouldn't expect anything less of you General."

As soon as our ship was at a good enough distance, I grabbed my lightsaber from my belt and got ready to jump, "Let's go men!" I shouted as I jumped from the ship and landed with ease as I ignited my purple blade. My men dropped down not far behind me and we engaged in the battle.

I was deflecting shots left and right, as well as slicing through the droids like butter. All with Captain Max by my side as we made our way to General Kalani, "General your three!" Max shouted and I twisted to my right to deflect the blast that was headed my way, it bounced back and knocked down the droid that shot it, "Your ten!" He yelled again and I spun to slice the head off of another droid. I know I'm biased, but he is definitely the best Captain in the army. Other than Rex, he was a good man. Sadly Skywalker snatched him up before I could.

"I'm going up there Captain." I saluted to him as I jumped up. I heard him try and protest, but I was already gone before the words left his mouth. I landed on the mechanical walker and killed the six droids on top, all except the General. Save the best for last right? "I have been waiting for this day." I smiled as I twisted my blade, the droid General was watching all of my movements, "Any last words? If you're capable of that kind of thing." I shrugged, I don't know how he's programmed.

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