28-Beautiful Soul

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One week later

(y/n)'s POV
Anakin and I both opened our eyes, only to be greeted with each other, "Feel any better?" I asked with sincerity. Lately he's been trying to meditate to get a better grip on his emotions over losing his mom. He's been doing it everyday and everyday I join him, I never wanted him to feel alone.

Not only that, but I was trying to get a grip on my own emotions as well. I was having a hard time dealing with what I did.

He gave me a small smile as he leaned his back against the wall of his bedroom, "At first I feel like I'm breaking, but every time I open my eyes and look at you, everything just falls right back into place."

I chuckled as I reached forward and placed a hand on his, "You really have a way with words Skywalker." I smiled as he gave me a cocky smirk, "But seriously, how are you doing?" I asked more sincerely.

His smirk fell slightly and he looked down at our joint hands, his fingers played with my own, "I'm still having a hard time believing she's really gone, I just don't want to believe it's real." He sighed as he gripped my hand and pulled me to him, "Lay on me." I turned around so the back of my head could rest on his chest while he had his legs sprawled out on either side of me. He kept his arms around me as his chin rested on top of my head, "How are you doing though; you haven't talked much about-"

"I'm fine." I cut him off as I let out a heavy sigh.

He brought a hand up and ran his fingers through my hair, "You can talk to me Princess, you don't have to hide your feelings from me." He spoke to me softly.

I groaned as I slid down so my head was resting on his thigh, I looked up at meet his eyes, "I feel like a horrible person, a monster even." I admitted with a sad frown. I hated feeling this way, I hated what I did.

He shook his head as he brought his hand to my cheek, "You are anything but that. Everyone makes mistak-"

"It's not like I left an oven on," I sighed in frustration when I cut him off, "My mistake was slaughtering an entire village of people Anakin," I closed my eyes, he's speaking like what I did isn't a huge deal, "I'll be fine- I just," I sighed again, "I need time."

"Look at me," He pinched my cheek but I didn't listen, "Please,"  He begged and I groaned as I opened them to meet his eyes once more, "What you did doesn't define who you are as a person. You've done a lot  good in your time as a Jedi, even more than me," He smiled as he continued playing with my hair, "Don't let this one thing bring you down, you're a good person. And as fucked up as this might sound, it was just sand people, they're savages and murderers. It's not like you slaughtered a room full of younglings." He shrugged.
(I'm sorry I saw an opportunity and took it lol)

I chuckled as I shook my head, "That does sound fucked up, they're still people Anakin."

He shrugged again, "Yeah, but they're not the best kind of people. I'm just saying it could've been worse and they did kill my mom, so they had it coming." My eyes widened at his words, but I understood why he felt this way. He gripped my cheeks with one hand gently, causing my lips to purse together, "Just remember that you have a beautiful soul, so don't ever think otherwise okay?" I nodded in response and his smile returned, "Good, now come up here and kiss me Princess."

I smiled back and lifted myself, his hand never leaving my cheeks, and he pulled me to him so our lips could press together in a soft kiss.


"Are you alright my dear? You look like you have something on your mind." The Chancellor asked me from across his desk.

I shook my head, "No I'm fine, just a bit tired is all." I plastered a fake smile on my face. Although Anakin's words helped a little, I still felt a pange of guilt. I'll be okay after awhile, like I said before, I just need time, "So, not that I'm not honored for an invitation, but why did you call me here?" I asked as I sat down in the chair across from him.

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