8-I Win

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I narrowed my eyes at Anakin, he was just staring, "What do you want?" I questioned due to his long silence.

"The room, but three would be a crowd," He rolled his eyes, "I'll just come back later."

"Nonsense," Brian responded as he picked up his robe, "I'm leaving, bye (y/n)," He waved to me before turning to Anakin who had a look of disgust on his face when Brian was speaking, "Are you going to move so I can go?" He asked confused, Anakin was just glaring down at him.

Without saying anything, he moved out of his way and my friend left the room, "So," Anakin stepped inside, "Are you gonna leave too so I can train in peace?"

Honestly, I was going to leave. But now I'm feeling petty, "Nah I think I'll stay." I smiled sarcastically.

He sighed, "Alright fine," He dropped his robe to the floor and stepped near me on the mat, "But we're fighting." He smirked.

I narrowed my eyes and gave him a confused look, "I'm sorry, you wanna fight?"

He nodded, "Yeah, we have a mission in two days and I need to make sure my partner isn't a wimp," He reached over and took my lightsaber from my hand, then he took his own and set them on the floor off of the mat, "I already know you're good with a lightsaber, but let's see if you're good with these." He lifted up his fists to show me what he meant as he walked back to me.

Oh so he wants to fight fight.

I shook my head, "We're not fighting Skywalker."

"Just spar with me one time and-," He looked away in thought before meeting my eyes again, "I'll move the punching bag." He shrugged.

I instantly put my hands up, "That's all you needed to say."

He chuckled, "Alright but no cheap shots, you know what I mean by that." He raised his eye brow at me.

Now I chuckled, "Don't worry, I doubt theres really anything there anyway." I teased causing him to smirk.

"You'd be surprised." He winked and lifted his hands up, "You first (y/l/n)." I instantly went for a right hook, but he countered it by quickly grabbing my forearm and twisting me around so I was in a chokehold as he held my right hand behind my back, "Try again." He whispered in my ear and for a moment there, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long.

He let me go and slightly pushed me forward and I stumbled. I felt in the force for his next move and I spun around quickly, grabbing ahold of his leg that he was about to kick me with. He looked surprised and I lifted his leg up and kicked the other one causing him to lose balance and fall on his back, "Try again." I smirked down at him.

He chuckled as he jumped up, he lifted his hand and force pushed me a few feet back and I fell to the floor on my butt. I looked up to him annoyed, "We never said we couldn't use the force." He shrugged.

You're right, we didn't, "We never said we couldn't do this either then." I smiled as I waved my hand at the racks that held items that Master Yoda used for my training. They flew off the rack and Anakin placed his hand up to stop them in midair. I groaned in annoyance, I forget how strong he is with the force. Stronger than anyone.

He turned his hand and threw the objects to me. They weren't anything rough, mostly soft objects that Yoda would throw at me and I had to catch them in the air one by one.

But with Anakin's strength pushing them, I wasn't able to stop them all and I was smacked in the face with a ball. I was now lying on my back and he was laughing at me. I know something that will work, it worked every-time when we were kids. I brought my hand up to my nose, "Ow Ani I think you hurt my nose." I fake cried and I heard his laughing stop and footsteps come towards me.

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