44-Maternal Instinct

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(y/n)'s POV
I sighed as Cal stepped out from the back in his slave attire, seeing him in it made me uncomfortable to say the least. I know it's for a mission, but I've grown to deeply care for this kid, and I'm worried about subjecting him to these kinds of horrors of the galaxy; he's only fourteen.

I tapped my food on the floor with my arms crossed while he uncomfortably pulled on his collar, "Are you sure about this Cal? We can switch roles." I suggested.

He raised a brow at me, "You seriously think they're going to believe a teenager is a slave owner?"

I shrugged, "You're fairly tall now for a fourteen year old, I wouldn't be surprised if you can pass for older." He's growing quickly, I feel like it was just yesterday when we were at eye level, now he's about two inches taller than me.

He smiled as he shook his head, "Stop worrying about me Master, I'm fine with my role." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "You know, you and Master Skywalker should have kids, you already have that maternal instinct." He teased me with a smirk.

I scrunched my face in disgust as I shrugged his hand from my shoulder, "Thats still up for debate, I don't really like kids." I placed the helmet over my head to begin our arrival to to Zygerria.

"But you like me." He responded joyfully as he nudged my shoulder with his own.

I laughed as I shook my head while walking over to lower the ramp, "You're my exception Cal."

Note: I didn't follow the episode storyline, I only used the idea for muse purposes. So I just improvised as I went along ♥️

After successfully talking my way into the palace to meet the Queen of Zygerria, I finally stepped into her throne room to see her seated up on her throne while a guard was whispering into her ear.

As soon as I walked in, her cat like eyes shifted to look at us while I gently pulled Cal in by his chain. It was difficult to hold in my distain at the sight of her. I have a personal hatred for slavers, Anakin was once a slave, and I hated that he was treated so poorly by people like her.

He still held scars on his body that I sometimes to trace smoothly with my fingertips, it's my way of trying to soothe his haunted past. Although I know that nothing will ever really diminish his pain from the memories.

I'd burn all the slave planets if it took his pain away.

Maybe one day I will.

She waved the guard away from her and gave me her full attention, "What brings you here Josie Starkiller?" She asked as she stood up from her chair and strutted towards me; using the fake name I gave the guard who escorted us here.

I bowed reluctantly, "Your majesty, I come bearing a gift from the King of Byss. He wishes to put an end to your quarrel, in hopes of opening discussions about acquiring more slave trafficking operations." This was the best lie I could create with the very little information that was given to me by the council. I'm hoping with the operations being in the discussion, I could find out where the current ones are to see where the Togrutas might have been taken.

She smiled as she came closer and walked around Cal, "I've never owned a ginger before." She raised a finger to touch his chain and on instinct, he slapped her hand away. She scowled at him, "It appears you've brought a feisty one."

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