65-To the Death

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I followed the fight as much as I could but I cut a few parts short so it didn't become tooo long, I absolutely hate writing fight scenes lol hence why I hardly write them.
3.6k words

The song on top starts here and it's the song they first kissed to in chapter 15, only a different version. I feel like it makes it more emotional, I'm evil I know.

Anakin's POV
"I'm so sorry, but I can't let you hurt anyone else." Those words hurt me to say more than any pain I have ever felt in my life. I could hardly believe I even said them, but she's so far gone, and I can't let her murder innocents anymore.

As much as it kills me, this isn't my Princess anymore. Her unfamiliar amber eyes shattered my heart, and her cold-hearted behavior doesn't match the way my (y/n) once was; she could never be this cruel, she could never hurt me..

She eyed my blue blade with anger, before pulling her own out and igniting it without breaking our intense eye contact. The purple illuminated her features in a way that reminded me of our days in the training room; pushing me to cry harder than I already was.

She stepped closer to me with a threatening look in her eyes, "How dare you raise your weapon to me, after everything I've done for you."

My hand began to shake as I struggled to not retract the blade. I wanted to stop, but I didn't trust this woman in front of me not to kill me anymore, and if I die, then who's next; Ahsoka? Obi-Wan? Yoda even? "You're not giving me a choice (y/n). You've changed into someone that I don't know, and I have to protect the people I have left." I raised my lightsaber slowly to get into a defense position.

I watched as her jaw clenched and her eyes began to water, then she quickly closed them and took a deep inhale. After a few seconds, she opened them with a smile; any light inside of her had completely faded away, "Then so be it, traitor."

As soon as the words dripped from her tongue like venom, she dashed towards me and I immediately parried her first attack.

Saber to saber we fought continuously as I blocked attacks, and made attacks of my own. The sound of our weapons searing together filled my ears painfully as I fought the only woman I have ever loved, to the death.

My chest ached with each swing, and I almost wanted to give up and let her kill me; just so I selfishly didn't have to live with this pain. But then I thought of Ahsoka, the heart broken girl who has become like a little sister to me, she's my responsibility now. She needs me, and I can't leave her in a galaxy with her kind being slaughtered like animals. I have to protect her. I failed (y/n), and I refuse to fail another.

(y/n) growled as she used the force to push me over near the edge of the platform, but I quickly stopped myself before I went over.

I jumped back up and she advanced towards me, and I brought my blade down near her face; but I instinctively held back, giving her time to block it, "You could have killed me right then, coward." She snarled as she put pressure on our joint weapons.

"I don't want to baby," I cried as I held my lightsaber against hers above our heads, matching her pressure to keep us balanced, "Please don't make me do this, I love you."

She chuckled darkly, "If you loved me, you wouldn't be turning your back on me; you'd accept me for all I'm doing for you."

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