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(y/n)'s POV
After Master Yoda left, it was me and the Padawans alone again, "Are you okay Cal?" I gained his attention since he spent the past five minutes starting at the wall; lost in his own thoughts. I'm pretty sure I already know what they're about too. I wish there was something that I could do to help him, well maybe there is.. there is one powerful person I know that might be able to throw Windu in a cell for me.

Cal turned his head to look at me and gave me a fake smile with a nod, "I'm great." He pushed himself off of the wall and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him a little forcefully.

I sighed as I looked to Ahsoka who was eyeing the door with worry, "He needs a distraction from this temple," I told her as I opened up the nightstand drawer and pulled out a piece of paper to write something down for her, "Here." I handed it to her when I was finished.

She eyed the paper with furrowed brows, "What is this?"

"Where you're going to take him for your first date," I informed her as I threw the pen back into the drawer and closed it, which was stupid since I'm going to have to take it back out soon, "Get him out of here for awhile, and give him something to smile about, he needs it."

She looked excited, but also nervous, "But what about you?"

I waved my hand in dismissal, "I'll be fine, Anakin should be calling me soon and then I plan to pop a few of his sleeping pills to get the rest he keeps saying I need." With a locked door of course, everyone I trust will no longer be here so there's no point in keeping it open.

She looked from me to the paper as she bit her lip hesitantly, "Are you sure about this?" She asked with a sigh, meeting my gaze again with uncertainty in her eyes.

I nodded with an encouraging smile, "Yes, go now and set up something nice, like a picnic," I was starting to sound more excited for this than her and I'm not even going, but I just love dates. Anakin needs to take me on more, "Get him some watermelon, he's obsessed with it. And I'll tell him to meet you there in about forty minutes."

"Are you sure he'll come?" She asked nervously as she stood up from the bed; placing the coordinates in her pocket.

It's a place that Anakin and I used to sneak off to when we were young teenagers, a little younger than these two now. It's just a plain field with flowers and a little stream not too far from it. It's a peaceful place, we used to stargaze there for hours until we saw the sun rise. And it's a decent distance away from the temple, so hopefully all his thoughts can be cleared and he can focus on his happiness with her.

I chuckled at her nervousness, I can tell she's fallen for him pretty hard; young love is a beautiful thing, "I'm positive he'll go, especially if I tell him he has no choice." I shrugged before shooing her away. Cal can come back out any second now and I want her gone before then so he doesn't ask questions. I want him to be surprised, "Now go and take some of Anakin's credits with you." I gestured to my nightstand; and with an excited smile on her face, she grabbed the credits and rushed out of the door.

With not even a second to spare, Cal walked out of the bathroom and he stopped in his place with knitted brows as he gazed around the room, "Where did she go; I didn't upset her did I?" He asked with worried eyes.

I shook my head quickly, "No, you didn't," I assured him and he relaxed, "But what you need to do, is go to your room and put on something nice." I clapped my hands together with enthusiasm.

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