13-Hello Again

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(y/n)'s POV
I've been counting down the time of how long I have left. Grievous finished his little torture session not too long ago. And he was right about one thing, what happened with the pirates really did feel like a vacation in comparison. Everything hurt; my chest, my back, my legs, my abdomen, my head, my arms. He really is ruthless.

He left two battle droids in charge of me as he left the room, for what? I'm not sure. But all I know is, I have maybe less than ten minutes before he comes back, "Hey, you two." I spoke in my weak, tired tone.

"We're not supposed to talk to you."

"You're talking to her now."

"Oh oops."

I snorted at their idiocy, "Listen, Grievous told me I had to tell you if I had to use the ladies room." I lied, I've accepted I'll most likely die here, but I'll be damned if I don't go out fighting.

"He didn't tell us anything about that."

"He never tells us anything though."

"She could be lying."

I fake gasped, "I'm a Jedi, we don't lie. It's.. against our code." I continued to lie to them, but they're stupid, they'll never know, "Please I really have to go."

"Well if Jedi don't lie, I guess the General really did say that." I smiled as I saw one of them walked over and pressed a button that lowered my body down. I almost cried at the pain it brought me, there were so many injuries inflicted upon me, but I needed to be strong for now. With the containment field gone, I felt the force return to me.

The other one held his blaster to me, "Alright Jedi no funny business."

I chuckled, "I wouldn't dream of it." I looked up and waved my hand so they both smacked against each other aggressively. Then I squeezed and they both crushed and fell to the ground with mechanical screeches. I lowered my hand down quickly and caught my breath. That took a a lot out of me.

I tried to stand up off of the platform, but I fell roughly to the floor and groaned at the pain. I had to get up, I placed my hands on the floor and helped myself stand up. It was agonizing and I held in a scream as I stood up straight. I slowly walked out, but not before checking the hallways for droids or Grievous. I had no idea where I was going, but I knew I needed to hide. I'm sure Master Yoda or someone, is on their way here now to attempt a rescue. I know my Master well, he wouldn't give up on me without a fight, it's how he raised me to be as well. I just needed to hide and keep myself alive in the meantime.

Anakins POV
"I said to be discreet Anakin." Obi-Wan scolded me as we stood in the hangar of the Malevolence with fire around us. I shot out the shields in order for us to get inside, as well as hit a couple ships in the inside, they may have exploded.

I shrugged, "This was the best I could come up with." Besides, all that matter is that we're inside, I can feel her too. She felt weak, but she was alive, "Come on we need to find her." I'm not sure how much time we have left.

"You sure haven't been acting like someone who hates her Anakin." Obi-Wan side eyed me as we quietly turned a corner to hide.

I side eyed him back, "I'm doing this for Master Yoda." I lied, I'm doing this because she means more to me than I'm willing to admit.

He snorted, "Sure."

I ignored his comment and continued following her force signature. My feelings for (y/n) is not something I want to discuss with him. Besides, I wasn't sure exactly how much of it he would condone, it's not something we've ever talked about. He's tried having a talk with me once before about her, but I immediately left the room. It was a few weeks after I stopped talking to her and he was trying to get a sense of what happened. But I was still too hurt to talk about it. I know I acted childish and immature, but even to this day, I've never felt a pain like that one. And of course, as a teenage boy, I turned my pain into anger. I was unnecessarily mean to her, which resulted in the relationship we have now. But even as were screaming at each other in the hallways, I feel nothing but intense feelings for her, the amount of times I wanted the fights to end with her in my bed was astronomical. But the heartache over what happened always kept me from pursuing anything. I was afraid to be rejected, afraid to feel hurt all over again.

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