64-Not Without You

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Anakin's POV
I stood over the sink on my ship while gripping the metal edges firmly. I spat the liquid out of my mouth, and watched the running water wash away the blue solution. I then loosened my grip, and ran my hands under the cold water, before splashing it over my face as I mentally prepared myself for my dreaded arrival to Mustafar.

I slowly glanced up to my reflection in the mirror to meet the image of my own bloodshot eyes. I hadn't stopped crying for the entire ship ride. I was too heartbroken, and completely devastated by what she had done, by what she has fallen victim to. But as hurt as I am by it, I know it isn't her fault, it's his. That disgusting manipulator is inside of her head, and I need to get him out.

I just wish that when I had found her in that awful place yesterday, that I didn't bring her home. I wish that I took her far away from Coruscant; not giving Palpatine the opportunity to corrupt her any further.

Or better yet, I wish I never left her today. I knew I should have listened to the feeling in my gut that told me something was deeply wrong. But I selfishly ignored it for the sake of finding information on Palpatine, which turned out to be for nothing anyway.

So, I failed her miserably.

I blamed myself for this, and now I have this one chance to get her back. And I'm fucking terrified that I'm going to fail her again, and lose her to the darkness forever.

I sighed heavily as I dropped my head down and tightly closed my eyes; suppressing the tears that were trying to break through. But like I have been doing with almost everything today; I failed. I choked on the lump in my throat, and broke down for what felt the hundredth time in the last hour.

The door behind me suddenly opened, causing me to jump in surprise, but I silently thanked the interruption for pulling me away from my depressing thoughts.

Artoo beeped as he rolled forward, and hit me in the back of my leg smoothly. I quickly used my sleeve to wipe my eyes, before turning around, and smiling down at him, "Yes I'm fine Artoo, are we almost there?" He beeped a yes and did a spin before rolling away towards the cockpit.

I stepped out of the bathroom, and wiped under my eyes once more to catch a few of the stray tears. Then I felt my stomach drop with anxiety as I heard the buzzing of the ship, it was letting me know that we were coming out of hyperspace.

Letting me know, that we were here.

I sat on the pilot seat in the cockpit as I gazed out of the front window. I was looking right at her familiar Star-fighter, the one I had gifted to her not long after she lost hers to Grievous on the malevolence. I still think she believes it's from Master Yoda, I never told her it was actually from me because around the time I got it for her, we weren't on the best of terms.

I sighed as I shifted my gaze to the building where I could faintly feel her force signature.

I have always had a strong connection with her, I used to be able to feel every emotion that radiated off of her body. But now, everything felt different, she felt different.. and my connection with her wasn't as strong as it used to be.

My heart raced as I saw her exit the building and pull a hood off of her head. I could hardly see her features, but I knew she was looking over in my direction.

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