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Hello Readers! I hope you enjoyed this book and I hope you're enjoying the sequel as well.♥️ or I hope you're going to enjoy it, for those of you who haven't gotten there yet.

There is something that I wanted to share with you all and that is the ORIGINAL ending of this book.

I'm just curious about your thoughts.

You see this book was actually meant to be just one, no sequel. But for those of you who are also writers, I'm sure you know that sometimes your plans change as you go on with the story. I'm here to tell you that not a single one of my completed books has the ending that I started with. Not one. So if you're new to writing don't get discouraged if you feel like you're swaying from your plan, just go with the flow and trust yourself, not everything turns out how you expect 🤷🏻‍♀️

ANYWAYS; sorry I have a habit of rambling.

This here is the original plan I had and let me tell you, if you think what I did now was fucked up, THIS IS MORE FUCKED UP. I think I was generous tbh.

Okay here we go... it's going to seem rushed because it's summarized; it's not like reading a chapter, and I tried to keep it short.

Palpatine never wanted (y/n), he never saw her as a daughter, and originally, she was never kidnapped by him when she was younger.

His sole focus, like in the movies, was Anakin.

Palpatine devised a plan that would rid Anakin of (y/n), because he believed that with her in his life, he could never get Anakin to sway from the light and join him. But he also thought that he could use this attachment to his advantage.

So he began tormenting her, making her feel like she was insane, thus making those around her think she's insane.

Out of concern; Yoda and most of the council decide to place her in a mental institution, against Anakin's wishes. He wanted her to stay with him, he thought that a place like that would only make her feel more scared and alone. He wanted to take her away from Coruscant, where he could care for her on his own.

As (y/n) sat in her cell, crying and terrified because the monsters Palpatine placed in her mind were currently with her in the cell. She felt lost, broken, and she felt that no one understood her.

Then she got a visitor.

Palpatine strutted into the cell, he pretended that he was there to help her, to get her out and take her to Anakin. Who he claimed had a ship ready for them to leave.

But that's not what his plan was at all.

He grabbed her by her wrist with a smile, and then in a quick motion; he pulled out a dagger from his pocket and slit both of her wrists. She couldn't defend herself in her weakened state, although she did try to, but she failed.

Then he left her on the floor to bleed out, with the dagger next to her; making it look like a suicide.

She eventually died.

No resurrection, nothing.

She stays dead the rest of the story.

Moving on..

Anakin was heart broken, devastated, and resorted to drinking. It was at the bar that he was approached by Obi-Wan, who was trying to comfort him.

But Anakin didn't want it, he blamed him. He blamed the whole council because he told them not to leave her there. The image of her alone and scared was constantly in his mind, and he thought that if he was there for her, if he was able to keep her with him instead of them forcing her to be in that place, then she wouldn't have resorted to killing herself.

He believes she did it because she thought no one cared. He believes it's because she felt alone and unloved.

It was a few days after that Palpatine called Anakin to his office, the manipulation begins. He drills it more into Anakin's mind that it's the Jedi's fault, that in a way; they killed her.

And of course in his fragile, unstable, and heartbroken condition; he listens, and believes everything.

Eventually, order 66 happens and he storms the Temple in a rage, thinking that he's avenging (y/n)'s death.

He kills everyone as he does in the movies, including Windu except he was at the temple when he killed him not Palpatines office.

Yoda was on Dagobah, Obi-Wan was on Utapoia(pretty sure I spelt it wrong but I'm too lazy to go to Google).

If you're wondering where Cal and Ahsoka are, they weren't in my original plan.

I'm going to be honest here, the rest of this I hadn't  figured out yet. Just know that the Mustafar fight didn't happen and pretty much Vader began hunting the last of the Jedi, including Obi-Wan and Yoda.

No there is no suit, since the fight didn't happen.

Vader began to see (y/n)'s force ghost, but he thought she was a hallucination. He thought it was his mind tormenting him for his failure to save her, eventually he found a way to cut her off so she could no longer reach him.

But she was able to reach Obi-Wan and Yoda, and she told them the truth of what really happened.

Fast forward.. since I didn't have this section planned either.

In a battle on the Death Star, Vader learns the truth, and he sees (y/n)'s force ghost again. She tells him that she loves him, and that she's waiting for him.

While that is happening, Palpatine is attempting to kill Obi-Wan with his force lightning, kind of like Luke in ROTJ. He's begging Vader/Anakin to help him, to believe what he's telling him, that Sidious lied and murdered his wife. (Yes they got married in this version.)

And it's (y/n)'s ghost that seals his belief.

He ends up saving Obi-Wan, but dies in the process. But before he dies, Obi-Wan is holding him, and he asks him to forgive him for everything's he's done, which of course he does forgive him.

He begs Anakin not to leave, to hold on that Yoda can heal him if he just waits a little longer for him to get there.

But Anakin didn't want to be saved, he looked behind Obi-Wan at (y/n)'s ghost and smiled while he said, "No, my Princess is waiting for me." Then he takes his last breath, and soon disappears from Obi-Wans arms.

At the end of the book, with the order gone, and Anakin gone; there is nothing keeping Obi-Wan on Coruscant. He travels somewhere else, to the one place he feels that he has a home.

As he steps through the doors; greeted by an overjoyed Satine, he turns around one last time, because he could feel their presence.

His eyes landed on a pair of force ghosts; Anakin and (y/n). They were holding hands and smiling at him, both happy that they have each other once again, even if it's in the afterlife.

He waved to them as a tear slid down his cheek, and they waved back before looking at each other, love in both of their eyes as they faded away; their eyes never leaving each other.

Obi-Wan never saw them again.

He lived the rest of his days on Mandalore with Satine, having a family and children.

Their names? (Y/n) and Anakin.

Okay soo that was my original ending haha I thought it was too sad to do tbh even though I liked it. I changed my mind after like chapter 10 and went with the plan I have now 🥰

Anyways let me know what you thought of it!

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