33-Gut Feeling

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Anakin's POV
I was an asshole, to say the least.

I sighed as I sat next to the little Togruta girl on the garden floor, (y/n)'s words have been in my head all day, and she was right about everything; I just hope they both can forgive me for the way I acted, "Listen little one," I gained Ahsoka's attention and she looked up to me with her sad blue eyes, "I'm really sorry that I haven't been treating you fairly. It's not personal, I just don't believe this war is a safe place for a child. I've lost a lot of good people," I sighed as I thought of the Jedi and the clones that I had to watch die, I was always too late, "I guess I'm just afraid that I'll fail you and you'll lose your life too." I admitted what I was really feeling; I already have a hard enough time keeping myself alive.

She nodded to show that she understood my side. Although it still doesn't excuse my behavior, I never should have talked to (y/n) that way and I never should have been so unfair to this kid. "I understand that, but you're the Anakin Skywalker, I was so excited to be appointed to you and I think if I'm going to be safe out there with anyone; it's you." She shrugged with a little smile. Now I feel like even more of a dick, she was excited to meet me and I made her feel unwanted.

I nudged her on the shoulder, "I'm so sorry. Do you think you can forgive me and we can start over snips? I promise to be less of a jerk." I smiled warmly at her. She is a good kid after all, she's intelligent, skilled, and a bit reckless; like me. I think with the proper guidance, she'll be an amazing Jedi.

She narrowed her eyes at the nickname I gave her because of her snippy attitude earlier; which was still my fault, "If you're going to call me that, then you can't get mad when I call you Skyguy."

I chuckled with a nod, "Okay, I can live with that." I held my hand out to her; for her to hopefully accept.

She smiled brightly and took it, "Then I forgive you Skyguy." She put a lot of emphasis on the name and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Our moment was almost instantly broken by the sound of robotic screeching and a heavy metal object hitting aggressively against my leg, "Ow; R2!" I scolded my droid who just ran straight into me, there's no way there isn't going to be a bruise. Instead of an apology; he beeped frantically and my stomach dropped as my eyes widened, "Oh my god." I stood up quickly and began running away.

"What's going on?" Ahsoka shouted as she stood up and followed me while I sprinted down the hallway. I didn't give her a response; I was too busy panicking with a raising heart.

Please, please be okay. I begged as I rushed into my fiancé's room and saw her laying on the floor; shaking violently, "No no no, please no." I ran to her and turned her on her side as foam came from her mouth, "Shes seizing, call someone now Ahsoka!" I demanded her in a panic and she nodded quickly as she rushed away, "I'm so sorry baby, I'm here now okay? I'm right here." I placed my hand under her head to stop it from hitting against the floor.

Why the hell do things keep happening to her?


I sighed nervously as I ran my hands through my hair, "Please tell me she's going to be okay." I don't know what I would do if I lost her and the last interaction we had was a fight, a fight that was all my fault; I wouldn't be able to live myself.

The doctor nodded slowly, "Yes we have her stable, but what's troubling me is the high amount isoniazid on her system." He looked up from his chart to me with confusion in his eyes.

"Are those the pain killers she's been taking?" I asked; she's been popping those like they're candy because of her headaches.

He shook his head, "No, I gave her regular pain medication. Isoniazid isnt for pain, it's meant to treat TB, but if consumed in high amounts; it results in seizures, coma, and in worse cases death." My eyes widened and he held his hand out to stop me from panicking all over again, "Shes going to be just fine Skywalker, but I need you to bring me the bottle that she's been taking from. I have to see if her medications got mixed up somehow."

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