61-A Betrayal

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Consider Anakin's POV to be parallel to the last one. So this is all taking place during (y/n) and Cal's raid on the Temple.

3rd Person POV(Flashback; 21-22 yrs ago)
The heart broken man whimpered as he held his deceased wife in his arms, "I'm so sorry Katherine," His pooled tears streamed down his cheek as he caressed the face of the woman he loves.

He was devastated; wishing that he left the order when his daughter was born like his wife asked him to. But he felt devoted to it, he believed that he could have both lives. He'd spend the week with the order, and on the weekends, he would come home to be with his secret family.

Now he felt ignorant; the love of his life and his beautiful daughter was gone due to his selfishness. He couldn't feel her as he usually did, believing that she was being hidden from him purposely. But he would do everything he can to try and find his baby again.

"I'll find her my love, I swear it." He leaned forward and kissed the forehead of his beloved with a promise he intended to keep.

2 years later

He felt like a failure, it's been two years since he lost everything and hasn't been the same man since. Some noticed, and some have not. But those who have, have chosen to ignore his neglectful mood.

He searched every day for his daughter; he meditated, went on missions alone when there was word of a force sensitivity child that may have matched what she could have possibly looked like now, and he tried connecting to her on a daily basis. But he always had a difficult time, he feared his heart broken emotions have been keeping him from his full potential. He's never loved another since Katherine, and he knows he never will.

He sat in his quarters and quietly meditated, until he was disturbed by a knock on the door. He sighed as he got out of his meditative position and answered his door; already knowing who it was.

He put on a smile when his Padawan came into view, "Its good to see you Obi-wan."

Obi-Wan smiled sympathetically. He could feel his Masters negative emotions, knowing that something was eating away at him. Which is why he was here, he was hoping the child they found could bring him some joy; Obi-Wan's Master was always incredibly enthusiastic about meeting the new children. Although he had no idea of the true intentions behind it, "It's good to see you as well Master Qui-Gon," He bowed respectfully, "Master Yoda and I picked up a stray youngling today, would you like to meet her? She's a bit on the shy side."

Qui-Gon shook his head instantly, "Today is not a good day for me Obi-Wan, I fear I may have come down with something." He lied, he just wanted to be alone; today was the anniversary of his wife's death. He preferred to meditate and relive their best memories together.

Obi-Wan sighed quietly, he didn't know the truth, but he knew his Master was lying to him, but he also wasn't going to pry, "Well alright-" He paused and furrowed his brows as he glanced down at the tiny figure that was pulling on his robes, requesting to be held, "(y/n)? Why aren't you with Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan bent down and picked up the two-year old girl and rested her on his hip.

She laid her head on his shoulder, already feeling comfortable since she spent a whole ship ride with him. He fed her more food and taught her games while Master Yoda took her midichlorian count and tended to her wounds. Until she fell asleep in the arms of the little green man who was already taking a deep liking to her, he could sense she was different than most children and needed more care and attention, "I don't like the man he's with, he was mean to me." She sniffled as she wiped her teary eyes.

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