11-My Dear

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We arrived at Coruscant a few hours ago, gave all the information we received to the council, and parted to our own separate quarters. All without speaking a word to each other and I had no idea why. When we were dancing, we talked, we laughed, we smiled. Then it all just changed and he's practically throwing me out of the cockpit to avoid being in the same room as me.

I sat on my bed and brought my knees to my chest as I hugged them. I was so confused. And force if I can't stop thinking about that kiss he gave me. I had never felt anything like that before and all I know is that I wanted more. But I couldn't have more, it wasn't like that for him, he hates me and I don't understand why.

"Psstt." My head shot up to the sound. No please not this again. I reached my hand over and pinched my arm, wincing at the pain. Well I'm not sleeping, "Psstt." I heard it again, coming from my closet. I swear if those clones are playing a joke on me, I'm killing them.

I stepped off of my bed and walked to my closet, "Whoever is in there is about to get a swift kick in the balls." I growled as I opened the door to only find it empty. I closed it with a confused look, I know that's where it was coming from. I sighed, I wasn't going to be able to sleep at all in here. In all my five years of having this room, I have never once had an issue like this. When I'm with Anakin, nothing like this happens, well except that one night but I'm not even sure if that really happened or if I was just tired. I groaned at myself, I'm so sick of using the 'I'm tired' excuse.

I turned to leave my room and stood in front of Anakin's door. I was hesitant. I lifted my hand to knock, then put it down, I did it again, then put it down. I sighed in annoyance at myself for being such a chicken shit. I was about to give up and turn away when the door opened and he leaned in the doorway, "I've been watching your shadow for the past two minutes, what are you doing?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

I shook my head as I sighed, "It's nothing, I'm sorry." I turned to leave but he gripped my arm and spun me back around to face him.

"What's on your mind Princess?" He asked as he stared down at me.

Maybe I should just suck it up and ask what I've been wanting to, "What the hell was all that today?" I asked and he tilted his head in curiosity, "One second you're dancing with me, then you're kissing me, then you're throwing me out of the cockpit and ignoring me. Why?"

He snorted, "I danced with you and kissed you for the mission, I thought that was obvious." He snapped as he glared at me with an annoyed expression,

"So that's it; just for the mission?" I asked slightly hurt, I was really hoping it was more. He nodded to me in response. I looked away from him to hide the sadness I was feeling, "Right, well sorry to bug you then, Goodnight Skywalker." I turned away from him and went back to my room.

I completely forgot about what happened with the closet and sat on my bed as I softly cried. A part of me had hoped that the kiss meant something to him, it sure as hell meant something to me. I was so stupid to think otherwise. Things were much simpler when I just hated him. "Don't cry my dear." I snapped my head up to the soft voice, but no one was here in my view. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes as I got up to take a look. I had to look around to feel safe, since apparently I'll be staying in here tonight. I'll be damned if I go over there to him again.

"Hello?" I asked as I turned my bathroom light on to find it empty, so I walked out and closed the door behind me. I went to my bed to sleep for the night and, thankfully, nothing else happened. Although I did miss the comfort of having someone next to me.

2 days later

"Back off already!" I shouted over the holotable at Anakin who was trying to steal a mission from me.

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