16-It's Always Been You

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(y/n)'s POV
I sighed as I sat in Master Yoda's quarters mediating, which is what he suggested when I discussed last night's creepy events in my room. He thinks my nightmares are manifesting themselves into my reality, due to an unresolved conflict I have within myself. Which doesn't sound totally unreasonable, I have many conflicts, but I don't know if I believe that's the reason. I'm worried that maybe when I got hurt on Felucia, there was more damage to my head than we initially thought. I didn't want to worry him about it though, so I was going to check in with a doctor on my own as soon as I leave here.

Although that wasn't the main thing that was going through my mind right now, I was thinking of the talk I had with Anakin after I learned about what really transpired between him and Padme. I'll admit, shit hurt. I hated having the image of her lips on his, but I'm just glad it didn't go further than a kiss.

We had a small argument when he tried comparing it to me and Brian. But I quickly got him to sit down and shut up, when I reminded him that Brian was a three second peck, and him and Padmé had a full on make out session which resulted in her top being taken off, thank god that's when he decided to leave. But anyways, there's a huge difference.

Other than that little spat, I'm not angry with him, we were barely talking at the time, granted it was his fault for being immature, but I know I can't be mad about it. But sad? That's a different story. I still stayed in his room last night but on opposite ends of the bed, I wasn't in the mood for anything anymore. He respected my feelings and we haven't really spoken since then.

"Focusing you are not." I heard my Master speak and I opened my eyes to meet his.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry, there's too many things on my mind right now to just focus on one." I informed him with a sigh.

"Want to tell me do you?" He sat in front of me and looked up to me patiently.

I half-smiled with another head shake, "Maybe another time." I stood up and looked down at him, "I have a few things to take care of with my clones, but I'll come back later." I informed him, with a lie. I was going to the doctors, I didn't want him to come because he always makes them nervous with his constant demands and questions.

"Wait," He held his hand out and a lightsaber flew into it, "Yours this is." He held it up and I reached down to grab it from his small palm.

I eyed it and lit the blade up to reveal a familiar purple, it looked like the one Grievous took from me, only the handle was black instead of silver, "You made me a new one?" I smiled as I retracted the blade.

"A back up, I always have. Clumsy you always have been. Your fifth this is." He chuckled and I joined him. I really did have a habit of losing them or breaking them.

"Thank you Master." I smiled down at him.

He nodded with a returning smile, "Now go on, meditate I must." He closed his eyes and I spun around to leave the room. I stepped out into the hallway and placed the lightsaber on my belt. I began walking to the medical wing when my eyes caught sight of Padmè talking to Brian. The sight of her made my stomach hurt, at least now I know why she's always been such a dick to me. She had feelings for Anakin and she knew he had feelings for me. He informed me that he had told her everything about me when he got drunk with her that day. So why she thought kissing him was the right thing to do, even though she knew he had feelings for me, was beyond my understanding.

I turned the other way to avoid walking past them, I thought it was odd that they were talking, I didn't even know that they actually knew each other. I turned a different corner so I could take the long way to the medical bay, "(y/n)!" I heard my name being called from behind me and I already knew who the voice belonged to me.

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