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(TW: Blood)

(y/n)'s POV
"Okay, keep this on and call me if you have any trouble." Anakin placed a comlink over my wrist for me.

I nodded as I fixed it slightly, "Same for you," I turned and walked towards the door to leave, he followed closely behind me, "Stay outside the door like you're guarding it and let me know if you see him going towards downstairs. I'll call you once I have the data downloaded and we can get out of here." Thank god, I can't stand this place. I mean it's beautiful and I would love to live in a place like this, but you know, without Clovis being here. He ruins the vibe.

He opened the door for me and we both stepped into the hallway, "Sounds good, now go get em tiger." He slapped me on the butt as I walked away and I paused to shoot him a glare. He smirked as he placed his helmet over his head.

I sighed at his immature nature and turned around to get on with the plan. It was the middle of the night so no doubt he was sleeping right now. Well hopefully he is.

I made my way quietly down the stairs while avoiding any late night staff, there were hardly any, so it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.

I made my way to the familiar room and slipped in secretly. I breathed out a sigh of relief for getting here unseen and walked up to the table. I pushed the drive in and began downloading everything I could find. I didn't have time to look through any of it, I was too afraid of being caught, so I just went ahead and got everything. I'll let the council shift through it and pick out what's important, "I knew there was something fishy about you." I jumped and spun around to be met with Viceroy Gunray, funny use of the word fishy since he looks like a damn frog.

I swallowed nervously, this isn't good, "I-"

He held a blaster up to me, "Don't bother making up a lie," He snapped in his annoying voice, "Clovis might be fooled by anything with breasts, but I don't fool so easily. I knew you were listening in on our conversation." He stepped closer to me while keeping the blaster raised.

I heard a low beep from behind me that indicated that the download was complete. I kept my eyes on him and slowly reached behind me to grab it without him noticing.

"Is everything going okay?" My comlink went off and Anakins voice filled the room.

"Tell him everything is fine." He demanded and I nodded while slowly bringing my com up to my mouth.

I sighed, he better get the hint, "Yeah Skywalker everything is fine." I never call him by his last name anymore; Only babe, Ani, Anakin, or big boy.. in certain situations.

He didn't respond so I'm hoping he got it and is currently on his way, "Skywalker?" Viceroy spoke with surprise, "As in.." He trailed off and his eyes widened slightly. Of course he would have heard the name of one of the most feared Jedi in the order. He stepped forward; keeping the blaster aimed right at my head. He gripped my shoulder and stood behind me while he pressed the cold metal to my temple, "If it's who I think it is, I know you found a way to warn him." I rolled my eyes at this inconvenience.

And just on cue, the door burst open with a worried looking Anakin; whose expression changed into one of anger when he saw the situation I was in, "Drop the weapon Viceroy." Anakin demanded him as he took a step forward.

"Don't move any closer," Viceroy threatened with a shaky voice, pressing the metal even harder into my temple; causing me to wince at the slight pain, "Just give me whatever it is that you've taken and I won't kill her."

I clenched my hand around the drive, I'll be damned if I give him this. I didn't suffer through two evenings with Clovis and have to taste his disgusting mouth, for nothing. I shot my head back and hit him right on his toad like mouth. And before he could shoot, I used my free hand to grip his arm and push it up; so the blast shot to the side of the room. I elbowed him in his stomach and spun around to kick him while I pulled the blaster from his grip, "I am not some damsel in distress Viceroy." I shook my head as I set the gun to stun and shot him before he could get back up.

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