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Anakin's POV
The ground around us shook as huge mechanical weapons drilled into the buildings, dropping nearly hundreds of droids inside.

We all got out of the building quickly, Tech kept his computer in a heavy backpack that he was currently wearing to keep it safe from the rain and the destruction of the structures around us. He claimed the bag is also safe from blasts, I don't see how that's likely, but it's Tech, he's capable of a lot so I didn't question him further.

Chaos erupted around us, hundreds of clone troops were fighting off the droids the best they could. But the manufacturing was continuous, there was beginning to be more droids than actual clones; outnumbering us exponentially.

"We have to destroy those machines!" I shouted towards Rex who was in full armor next to me, defending his home. I was deflecting shots from all around us effortlessly, I was finally about to get some answers and this just had to happen.

He nodded, "On it sir!" He brought his com up to speak, "Captain Max are you inside?" He called to (y/n)'s Captain, we knew they'd be here since her battalion hasn't been used recently due to her disappearance.

"The 419th left an hour ago," Wrecker flew forward and took the head off of a droid that was about to fire towards me.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I continued deflected shots and cutting down the mindless droids, "Why were they called?"

He shrugged as he picked up another droid and used its gun to shoot out more enemies, "Sorry General, I'm not sure." He ran forward with a yell as he knocked over more droids; throwing them off the platforms, and into the crashing waters.

That doesn't make any sense, why would they-

My thoughts were cut off by a loud crash from behind, "Anakin behind-" Obi-Wan tried to warn me from afar, but before I could fully turn around, I was smacked aggressively to the side by a large metal object.

I landed on the floor roughly earning a scraped along my cheek. I groaned in pain as my mouth filled with a metallic taste and I tried getting back up to my feet, while also looking for where my lightsaber rolled off to.

But before I could even stand, the back of my neck was gripped tightly and I was lifted off of the ground by none other than General Grievous, "General Skywalker," He threw me across the platform and I rolled until I almost met the edge, but I quickly stopped myself from plummeting to the waters below with only a few inches to spare.

I caught my breath as I eyed the droid General who was coming towards me with distain. I still remember that he tortured my love, that's not something I ever forgot, and he's going to pay for it today.

I quickly looked down to my lightsaber that was only a few feet behind him. As well as Obi-Wan who was fighting through droids to get to me, "I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little.. older." He got even closer while I spat the blood from my mouth to the side.

"General Grievous," I stood up slowly and moved away from the edge of the platform so he couldn't easily knock me over, "You're shorter than I expected." I smirked as I saw his snake-like eyes grow angry at my insult.

I held my hand out quickly and called my lightsaber to come back into my grasp. As soon as it was finally in my palm, I ignited the blue blade, while Grievius pulled out four lightsabers and dropped his own cloak to the floor while two other arms formed, "Jedi scum." He growled while he ignited all four and got ready in an attack stance.

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