60-Good Soldiers Follow Orders

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TW: It's Order 66 soo... DEATH
Song begins here.

Also I updated a chapter late last night so make sure you read that one since it sets up for this one!♥️

3rd Person POV
"Execute Order 66." Palpatine gave the command to the clones in order to activate their inhibitor chips. Making them bend to his every will, making them turn on their friends; people they grew to love and care for.

Deep down they didn't want to do this, they wanted to fight it, they didn't want to hurt their friends, but they had no choice but to listen.

Good soldiers follow orders.

All across the galaxy, many Jedi began to fall at the hands of those they trusted.

"Rex, what are you doing?"


"Please don't do this."


"I don't understand."

"Fives no!"

Good soldiers follow orders.

Plo Koon; shot down in his ship.

Aayla Secura; murdered by her troops in the Felucian jungle.

Ki-Adi-Mundi; murdered by his troops in a battle on Mygeeto.

Good soldiers follow orders.

Yoda was aiding a battle in Kashyyyk, he kept watch from a tower with a Myssess Blossom in his grip, waiting to return home to give it to his daughter.

He suddenly dropped the flower that he didn't know he would never get to give her. He brought his claw up to his chest, where he felt a sharp pain with every dying Jedi across the galaxy. He mourned them all, but he only had one on his mind; his daughter. He did his best to connect with her, hoping she was somehow connected the force again, just to make sure she wasn't among the fallen. To his relief, he could feel that she was alive, but he felt something else from her, a black shadow casting over her very soul.

His heart shattered, he's lived long enough to know what it meant.

He then heard the sounds of guns being drawn from behind him, and he reluctantly killed his own troops before they could end him.

The 419th remained with (y/n) and Cal as they marched up the steps of the Temple. Both of them determined to do what is expected of them with heavy hearts.

(y/n) is trying to keep the man she loves safe. His beautiful face, his laughter that was full of life, and his smile that always melted her heart, were all the things she saw in her mind as she walked up the stone steps; getting ready for the gruesome acts she is about to take part in. She believes what she is doing is right, she believes the Jedi have become corrupt and will eventually become the downfall of her beloved and even herself.

She believes this is the only way.

Cal; His trust in the Jedi was shaken the moment they left him to be tortured on Ryloth. His loyalty for them was severed that day, the only loyalty that remained is the one for his Master walking beside him. Where she goes, he goes. What she does, he does.

In his eyes, following her, is the only way.

He also believes this is what is best for him and Ahsoka. By doing this, they won't be able to hurt her the way they hurt him; he can protect her this way. If they are willing to keep Windu after what he did. Then what else are they going to let slide in the future from other Jedi? They could easily allow someone even more dangerous to stay, someone who can hurt the girl he is growing to love. He believes the same as his master, the Jedi have become corrupt.

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