12-Little Problem

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"Can anyone hear me?" I whispered into my comlink, praying that I was close enough to get a signal to someone outside of this ship. After being pulled in, I was met by droids, the stupid ones, so I took them out easily enough. But now I'm hiding among the Malevolence from Grievous and from what I could hear, he's got a search party going for me.

I heard a bit of static from my com and my heart raced at the hopefulness that I reached someone, "General (y/l/n) is that you?" The voice of Master Mundi came through and I sighed with relief. There was a lot of static, but I could still hear him enough to understand.

"Yeah it's me, so there's a little problem. You see that big ship?" I questioned and I was hoping he wouldn't freak out, that is, if he didn't already know. I'm not sure if my clones have spoken to him or not.

I heard him sigh, "You're on it aren't you?"

"Yup." I responded bluntly and I heard him sigh again. He always hated working with me, I had a habit of getting myself into some pretty dire situations. But unlike idiot Skywalker, I've never needed a rescue, if you don't count Felucia or that pirate situation, my numbers were still better than his. Let's just hope I won't need a rescue today too.

"How did this happen?" He asked with an equally worried and frustrated tone.

I stuck my head out of the room I was currently hiding in to see if there were any droids. I could hear them walking around so I pulled myself back in and did my best to keep quiet, "Ray shield."

"I'm going to have to contact the council to discuss-"

"No don't do that," I cut him off, the last thing I need, is Master Yoda flipping his shit, "It's going to be fine." I sighed knowing it most likely won't be, but I had a plan. Granted it's not a very good one and I have a good chance of dying, but it's still a plan, "I know he brought me on here to use me as a bargaining chip against the council. But I think Grievous has made a mistake bringing me on here. I think I can take this place down from the inside. I can get to the control area and set the self destruct."

"That's a suicide mission General (y/l/n)."

I shrugged, "Well it's only suicide if I don't get out in time."

He sighed again, I could tell he was really hating this plan, "I think we should really talk to the coun-"

"No, you know there's a chance they will not agree. But this can be a huge turning point in the war, it could even help us win if I take down Grievous." I tried arguing with him as I looked down the hallways once more, to make sure there were no more droids before going to look for the control room. I saw none, so I stepped out and began walking while holding my wrist, "Look before you try arguing again, give me one hour. If you don't hear from me or see this place blow to holy hell, then that means I'm captured and you can do whatever you want."

He sighed with defeat, "Alright but only forty-five minutes then I'm calling them."

I smiled victoriously, "Sounds good to me. Also if I happen to die, can you please tell Skywalker I said fuck you." I thoroughly blamed him for this, he just had to say that crap before I left.

"Is that really what you want your possible last words to be?" I heard him give a small chuckle.

"Oh yes, I wouldn't want it any other way," I smiled to myself, "You'll hear from me soon Master Mundi."

"I hope so."

Well he sounds confident.

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