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This is my second update of the day, so please make sure you read chapter 62 before this one ❤️

Ahsoka's POV
Cal and I have spent most of our time as Padawans, with each other. We laughed, we smiled, we cried, we fought, we stayed up late hours of the night and snuck into the kitchens for food, we've done countless things together that I could go on listing for hours.

But one of our favorite things to do when we needed to let loose, especially if we felt stressed; was to spar. Hours upon hours we would to do this and even learn each other's techniques and bad habits. As well as teach each other new ones.

So I would like to say that other than (y/n), I know the way he fights better than anyone.

Which is how I know that this person fighting me right now, is not my Cal.

He was beyond aggressive, I can feel the rage in him with every single one of his swings. I was hardly even fighting back, I was merely blocking and defending myself to keep him from harming me or that child.

His blue blade went straight for my face and I blocked it with the one lightsaber I had left, I lost the other one not too long ago. It rolled away past the chairs, hidden from my view. He aggressively knocked it out of my grasp and I never had time to go for it, and if I did, he would've taken my hand.

As I used all of my strength to keep his weapon away from my face, his fire filled eyes burned into mine, making my chest ache more than it already was, "Cal please stop," I begged; feeling my body grow tired from this exhausting fight.

But my pleas were ignored, and his expression never changed, almost like he couldn't hear me or he was pretending not to.

I raised my other hand and used the force to push him away from me so I could have a second to breathe. And a second was all I had before he was rushing towards me again.

Blue and green sparks flew between us as I parried each of his attacks while also directing him away from the child who had went back into hiding. But now that Cal knows he's alive, he will search until he finds him. That's the only thing that's keeping me going, I'm not fighting for just me, I'm fighting for the life of that innocent baby. If I didn't have him to protect, I would have given up by now, because this was killing me.

"Can't you see you're being manipulated!" I shouted over the hissing of our lightsabers crashing together, "Did you seriously believe murdering all of our friends is something I would be grateful for?" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

His eyes blazed over with fury as he used both of his hands to shove me backwards with the force. I flew and smacked against the hard wall; hitting my head and losing my second lightsaber in the process.

"I did it for you!" He stood above me with his weapon pointed at my neck, my chest was heaving up and down quickly as fear of death creeped up my spine, "All I wanted was for you to be safe Ahsoka. I got rid of those who could bring you harm and now I am powerful enough to keep you protected from anything."

I shook my head while glancing down at the blue light that was dangerously close to the skin on my neck, "The only person I need protection from right now, is you." I snapped my eyes back up to meet his.

"You just don't understand," His hand began to shake while his eyes watered for the first time during this entire interaction, "You are siding with the Jedi, calling them your friends after what they did. You're turning your back on me after all I've done for you." He moved the lightsaber away from my neck, but raised it like he was preparing to kill me.

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