62-The Resemblance is Deceptive

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Ahsokas POV
"What did you do?" I backed away from him, feeling completely shattered.

I was silently praying  that none of this was real. I had hope that I would wake up any minute now, and this would all be a horrible dream. But the sting from the wound on my shoulder dismissed my hope; letting me know that I was very much awake, and this was heartbreakingly real.

He eyed my hurt expression with knitted brows, like he wasn't expecting this reaction from me, "We did what we had to, to keep you all safe Starlight." He smiled as he took a step closer to me; prompting me to take a step back.

"We?" I asked in a hoarse voice as the water in my eyes finally broke free and streamed down my cheeks. I was having a difficult time recognizing the person in front me. Even his voice hardly sounded the same, there was something darker to it, less lively than his normal tone.

He watched me move away from him with a saddened expression, "Yes, we." He snapped his eyes up to meet mine, "My master and I rid this galaxy of those that were corrupt."

My heart stopped once more when he informed me that (y/n) had taken part in this as well. How did this happen? I was only gone for less than an hour and she seemed perfectly fine, happy even. How could everything have gone so wrong, so quickly?

"Cal this isn't right, this isn't you," I fought through my fear and got closer to him. I know in my heart that my boyfriend, the boy with a kind soul, is still there. The dark side hasn't completely taken him from me just yet, "Please, come with me. We can leave, no one will have to know what happened here." My voice cracked as I considered throwing away my morals to get him away from this place, away from whatever is tainting his pure heart. Although I have a pretty good idea who it is—considering (y/n) is involved and she was sent to Mustafar by the Chancellor.

He smiled again as he shook his head, "I can't go Starlight, I'm not leaving (y/n), she needs me."

"It's okay, Anakin can get to her," I tried to reason with him, "We need to get you two away from the Chancellor as quick as possible, he's messing with your heads Cal."

He took advantage of their fragile conditions and manipulated them into doing this. I know in my heart that there is good in both of them, and despite what took place today, it is still there.

He narrowed his eyes at me and I saw a flash of anger spread through his emerald gaze, "He is helping us Ahsoka, you should be more grateful, it's because of him that we are all safe from the corruption of the Jedi." He snapped at me harsher than he ever has and his green eyes darkened in the process, "It was Windu that was torturing Master (y/l/n), it was him who kidnapped her and it was him who made her life a living hell these past few months!" He shouted as he got closer to me, his rage was seeping through his skin like steam. Prompting me to slowly back away from him in fright, "And who knows how many of them knew about it too. They even chose to keep him after what he did to me, so they are all just as guilty as him in my eyes." As he said those words, his beautiful green eyes had shifted into a burning amber.

I choked while I suppressed a sob as I looked at what my best friend had become. Yes what they did to him was horrible and I hated them for it too, but I don't think Master Windu or any other Jedi had anything to do with what happened to (y/n). My gut told me it was the Chancellor, that he was the center of this whole thing. And like Anakin has always told me, always trust your gut.

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