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(y/n)'s POV
"Are you ready?" I asked Anakin as we walked through the crowds at the festival. We arrived here a few hours ago and after getting in this extravagant dress Master Yoda gave me (picture above) we came here in search of Clovis, hoping their sources weren't lying when they said he would be here.

Anakin sighed from behind me from the inside of his helmet, "As ready as I'll ever be."

I nodded as I gently squeezed his shoulder, "Good, because I see Clovis straight ahead." I revealed and I heard him groan. I smiled slightly as I dropped my hand down, I know I shouldn't enjoy his jealousy, but I was. I walked near where Clovis was and pretended to bump into him, he turned to glare at me in annoyance, "Oh, I am so sorry." I put on my best sincere act. The moment his eyes landed on me, his annoyed glare fell into an interested smile.

"Don't apologize it's quite alright, I think I remember you from a party awhile back, Destiny right?" He asked as he held his hand out to me, which I graciously accepted.

I nodded politely as I shook his hand. "That's correct and you're Clovis right?" I gave him a sweet, somewhat flirty, smile.

He nodded as well, taking in my appearance, "I see I'm as memorable as you are darling." He gripped my hand and brought it to his mouth where he kissed it softly. I could already feel Anakin next to me getting annoyed, but he was doing his best to calm himself down. He knew it was all for a mission. Plus, him and I had a nice talk before coming here, just so I could help ease his nerves, "May I ask where that husband of yours is?" Clovis questioned with a raised brow as he gently dropped my hand down.

I rolled my eyes with a sigh, "I divorced him."

His eyes twinkled with delight, "Divorce? I have to say, he is one foolish man to let a beautiful woman like you out of his grasp." His eyes trailed me up and down where they, not so subtly, lingered on my cleavage, before he looked back up to meet my gaze.

I let off a small flirtatious chuckle as I placed my hand on his arm gently, he eyed it with satisfaction, "Oh Clovis you're too sweet." I heard Anakin sigh slightly from behind me, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

Clovis's eyes shifted from my hand on him to my eyes, "Would you like to enjoy the festival with me Destiny?" He asked stepping closer to me, his eyes gazed upon my face like I was a shining trophy.

I shook my head, I can't be too eager, "Oh no, I wouldn't want to impose." I dropped my hand down from his arm.

"Nonsense," He grasped my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, ew his palm is sweaty, "It would be my honor to have a beautiful woman like you by my side for the night." Well, this turned out to be slightly easier than I thought. For lacking experience in the flirting department, I have to say, I'm doing pretty good.

I smiled up at him flirtatiously, "Then how could I possibly say no?" I squeezed his hand before turning to face Anakin. Even though I couldn't see his face, I have no doubt he was scowling at our joint hands, "Oh Clovis, this is my personal guard Hayden. I hope you don't mind, but he goes wherever I go." I turned back to Clovis and he held a look of annoyance, before he casually smiled at me again.

"Of course not, I understand a gorgeous woman like you needs her security, you probably have people crawling at your feet," He gripped my hand and pulled me through the crowd, "I just hope he doesn't follow you into the bedroom." He added as he turned back and gave me a little wink with a quiet chuckle. I heard Anakin choke on his own saliva from behind me; I laughed but as soon as he turned his face away from me, my eyes widened.

Oh fuck no.

I turned to Anakin and gave him an apologetic smile, this is gonna be difficult for us both.

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