49-New Beginning

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TW: Blood, Self-Harm

(y/n)'s POV
The sound of an aggressive tapping woke me up from my deep sleep, I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a pair of blue ones glaring right back at me, "You two couldn't go one night?" Ahsoka asked with a hint of annoyance in her tone. The sound I heard was her foot impatiently tapping on the floor.

"Of course they couldn't." Cal's voice came from the other side of the room.

I shot up from the bed and smiled when I saw him standing near my bathroom, "How come you didn't tell me you were out of medical bay?" I threw the blanket off of me and pushed passed Ahsoka; pulling my Padawan into a tight embrace.

He chuckled into my ear as he hugged me back, "Did you really think I'd miss today?" He was smiling at me when I released him from my firm hold.

It's a good thing I put my pajamas back on after last night, or this whole morning would have been extremely awkward. Anakin on the other hand, I think the blanket is the only thing saving everyone's eyes.

"I am so happy that you're here," I could already feel the tears forming in my eyes. Today is going to be an extremely emotional day for me.

"I love this moment you're having, I really do. But (y/n), I need you to get in the bathroom while I wake this moron up so I can get him to Obi-Wan." She pulled my attention to her as she gestured to Anakin who was currently dead asleep; drooling on my pillow and lightly snoring, "It's bad luck for him to see you before the wedding, so go," She shooed me away.

"Alright, but don't move the blanket, not unless you want permanent blindness." I informed her and her face twisted into one of disgust.

Cal pushed me gently into the bathroom, "Take a quick shower before we leave," He scrunched his nose, "No offense, but you smell like old sweat." He then smiled sweetly like he didn't just insult me, and closed the door on me.

I did have a long night with Anakin, so it's not surprising that I do smell like sweat.

I turned to face the mirror and smiled blissfully at myself. I was already feeling giddy at the thought of marrying my long-term love. It feels like it was only yesterday where I met that scared little boy in the training room; now look at us.

And once Grievous is found, this war will finally be over and we can go on to have our normal Jedi-free life.

I just know that today is going to be the start of a new beginning.


"Ow Ahsoka that's my eye." I complained after she just poked me with an eyeliner pencil. We were currently in a back room at a church getting ready. Master Yoda has it completely locked down so no outside people are able to come in, he even found a priest who is willing to keep the secret.

She gave me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, I barely learned how to do this from a video an hour ago." She revealed sheepishly; I smiled at her efforts, I thought it was sweet that she was trying to do her best for me.

"It's okay," I told her once she grabbed my face again and continued with her work, "I just appreciate that you're doing this for me, I don't have a lot of girl friends."

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