42-You'll Regret It

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Anakin's POV
"You're lying." I accused Artoo once he told me something he claims he overheard at the Chancellors office, although I felt stupid for calling him a liar, since he's not exactly programmed to lie.

He beeped in a protest and repeated to me one more time what he heard; I just didn't know how to believe what I was hearing.

I shook my head as my eyes watered, "Don't ever repeat this again okay? This stays between you and me."

I can't let anyone else find out, she had to have had a reason for doing what she did, she's not a bad person.

I know in my heart that she's good.

He beeped in agreement, letting me know that he was going to follow my orders.

I sighed solemnly as I wiped the tears from under my eyes, this all explains so much.

(y/n)'s POV
The chancellor arranged for me to talk to Shaak Ti, privately. Although the privately part was the most difficult to gain, since he kept insisting on being here with me, but I really wanted to talk to her alone, "(y/n)?" She said my name in a surprised tone as she slowly strutted towards me, "What are you doing here?" She asked; genuinely confused.

I sighed sadly; I was already fighting back tears as I gazed upon her exhausted appearance, I could tell she truly didn't want to be here. Which only makes her choice that much more confusing, "Why did you confess to the murder of Dooku?" I went straight to the reason why I was here, I wasn't sure exactly how much time I had to talk to her.

Her face dropped into an emotionless expression, "Because I deserve to pay for my crimes, if that's all you came here for then you can leav-"

"I know you didn't kill him," I glanced down the hallways to make sure no one was around to listen, before looking back at her stunned reaction.

She nodded quickly, "Yes I did." She snapped, although her tone wasn't angry, it was fearful.

I shook my head, "No you didn't, so why are you saying did?"

She took a deep breath, "(y/n) yes I-"

"It was me." I revealed to her and her eyes widened with shock, "I'm the one who killed him, that's how I know you're innocent Ti." My voice cracked in the end, this is the first person I've told the truth to besides the chancellor, but her of all people needed the truth right now.

She got closer to the force field that was separating us, "It was you?" She asked with an accusing tone, "You're the reason I'm in here?" Her voice was getting louder with every word.

I was confused, why is she blaming me, when it was her choice to turn herself in, "Well, why are you saying it was you?"

"You don't know," She said it as more of a statement than a question. She sighed as she dropped her gaze to the floor, "If I tell you, or anyone, then someone I care about will die."

I furrowed my brows, "Someone is blackmailing you to take the blame?" I asked in disbelief. Who would do that and why? Unless.. no, the chancellor wouldn't do something like this, would he?

She nodded, "Afraid so."

"Who?" I asked with urgency, hoping it wasn't the person I thought it was,

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