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3rd Person POV
(y/n) was currently lying in a hospital bed, a place Master Yoda was tired of seeing her in. She had a small bleed in her brain from the impact of the fall, that the doctors had already taken care of. They said she would be okay, but as they said once before, they won't know the full extent until she wakes up. Which is why Master Yoda has yet to leave her side.

Anakin was across the galaxy, he was now on his way home to her after taking out a separatist fleet in record time. He had somewhere he wanted to be, he had someone that needed him right now. So in order to end the battle quick, he went in aggressively and with full force, the separatists never saw it coming. As dumb is it might have been, he was quick and reckless, almost losing a wing in the process. But he got the job done and now he's on his way back to her.

"You should eat something," Master Plo came in to the room to see Yoda still sitting by (y/n)'s bedside.

He shook his head as he looked up to him with sad eyes, "Leave her, I will not." Although Plo would never say it out loud out of respect, he was fully aware of the attachment Yoda held. But he himself has been found guilty of such things, many of the Jedi have. Love is a natural occurring feeling and can not be controlled, it's basic nature to love.

He sighed as he walked over and placed a hand on Yodas shoulder, "You know she'll be upset if she knew you weren't taking care of yourself because of her." Yoda looked up to him and sighed, he knew he was right, "Come on, we won't be gone long, she'll still be here when we come back." Yoda still didn't speak, he just nodded in agreement and got off of the chair. He gazed one more time at her comatose state before following Plo out of the room.

Not too long after they left, another person entered the room; a person with cruel intentions, a person who wants to break her soul. They had been waiting until she was alone. They walked up to her and placed a hand on her head, "Soon," a small devious smile crept on their lips. It was this person who has been inside of her mind, it was them making her see, feel, and hear things that weren't really there. They had plans for her, she was too good, too kind-hearted to follow them willingly, so they needed her mind to be twisted beyond repair in order to make her theirs.

For a long time this person studied the art of force illusions. They knew that (y/n) was far from stupid and incredibly strong. So they needed these illusions to look and feel as real as anything else, in order to frighten her and make her believe what she was really seeing. It was a tough challenge, but it will be worth it when they take back what is rightfully theirs; Her.


(y/n)'s POV
"Your name?"


"Do you know where you are?"

"The Jedi Temple."

"Do you know why you're here?"

I paused, I didn't know why I was here. I shook my head with a sigh, "No."

The doctor looked up from his chart with knitted brows, "Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

I thought for a moment, "General Skywalker was informing me that he was leaving to engage a separatists fleet in the outer rim." I winced slightly after speaking, I had a splitting headache.

"Two days ago, that was." Master Yoda informed me from the chair next to my bed.

I turned to him, "Two days; Is he back?" I asked and he nodded, "Well where is he?"

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