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I laid there in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Plotting a murder.

The incessant banging has yet to stop, it's been going on for about an hour. It probably wouldn't be too bad, if the wall where my bed is against, wasn't the same wall that was being hit. So of course, it's causing my headboard to rattle, "That's it." I threw my blanket off of me and jumped out of bed. I marched next door and banged on his door, "Open up you pretentious ass!" I shouted. People in the hallways were giving out chuckles as they passed.

His door slid open, revealing his shirtless self. He was dripping with sweat, his hair was clinging to his forward and he looked down at me like I was an annoying inconvenience, "What?" He asked harshly as he leaned in his doorway, taking a sip of the water he had in his hand.

I sighed heavily, "Must you do that right now? I'm trying to sleep." I snapped through gritted teeth.

He smiled a smug grin, "Oh I'm sorry, does the little Princess need her beauty sleep?" He responded in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't call me that." I folded my arms across my chest as I let out an irritated sigh.

He tilted his head to the side, still holding his annoying grin, "Why not? You used to love it."

Flashback (Age: You-7 Anakin-9)
"What's your name?" I walked over and sat criss-cross in front of a little blonde boy. I've noticed him here for the past few days. He was always alone and he always looked so sad.

He looked up to me with surprise, like he didn't expect anyone to come and talk to him, "I'm Anakin." He responded in a shy tone, his blue eyes quickly looked away from me in a nervous manner.

I smiled at him and held out my hand, "That's a nice name Anakin, I'm (y/n)."

He looked back up to me and I saw him almost smile. He reached his hand over and grasped it in mine, "Nice to meet you (y/n). You're training to be a Jedi too?" He asked as he tilted his head, his eyes scanning my face curiously.

I giggled as I looked down to my obvious Jedi clothing, "Of course I am, what else would I be?" I grabbed onto my tunic to show him what I was wearing, in case he just didn't notice.

He finally smiled, it was a beautiful smile, "You're just too pretty to be a Jedi, being a princess would suit you better." He blushed and looked down away from my gaze.

I smiled brightly, flattered by his compliment, "You think so?"

He looked back up to me, cheeks still red, "Definitely."

My eyes darted down to our hands that were still connected, he eyed it too. But neither of us let go.
Flashback ends

I looked away from him and sighed, "Key words Skywalker, 'used to.' Now shut up so I can sleep, or I'll scar up your other eye." I snapped and turned to walk back to my room.

"You know, you never apologized for that."

I turned to face him, "And I never will." I smiled and walked back into my room to finally get sleep.


I woke up to an annoying tapping sound. My first instinct was to blame Skywalker, but I quickly realized that that's not the direction the tapping was coming from. I sat up in my bed and scanned my room, there was nothing I could see that would be the cause.

I stepped out of bed quietly and followed the sound, which led to my bathroom. I turned the light on and saw that my sink was slightly on, the water droplets were tapping along the metal of the drain. I grabbed the faucet and turned it off, how I left it on and never noticed till now, was strange. But then again, my mind was occupied earlier by a certain obnoxious Jedi.

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