48-Bachelor Party

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This one is a bit long, about 4k words 😅 I got carried away.

2 days later

(y/n)'s POV
Anakin dotingly kissed every inch of my face as a goodbye before we went our separate ways. The next time we see each other, will be tomorrow at the altar, "Not sleeping next to you is going to be agonizing." He complained; hugging me tightly around my waist while I had my arms wrapped around his neck.

I chuckled as I did my best to pull away from his firm hold, but failed miserably, "Don't be so dramatic Anakin, it's one night." I playfully rolled my eyes, he always has been the most dramatic person I have ever known. I like it though, it has its adorable moments.

He groaned; releasing his tight hold on me so our gazes could lock, "One night is already too much, I get lonely without you."

I smiled, bringing my hands to cup his stubborn cheeks, "We'll only be alone for tonight, but then we'll never be alone again." I used my thumbs to brush against his cheeks gently, "It's you and me forever."

His stubborn expression faltered by the mention of 'forever', and was replaced by a look of serenity, "I promise you, once this war is over, we'll leave all of this behind and I'll give you the life you deserve." He bent down and pressed his forehead against mine, "We'll steal away both Ahsoka and Cal, and live far away from here."

I loved his vision of the future. It's exactly what I want, for us to be a normal couple. Where we never have to hide how we really feel about each other, "I can't wait," I whispered softly before pressing my lips to his one last time, until we kiss tomorrow as husband and wife.

After a few moments, we finally broke away and he backed up towards the exit of my room, "I'll see you tomorrow future Mrs.Skywalker." He smiled bright enough to light a thousand stars.

"I'd say the clique line, 'I'll be the one in white', but I really have no idea what my dress looks like." I admitted with a laugh. Yoda has kept my dress a mystery from me, I'm not worried though, he has impeccable taste. But I wouldn't be surprised if he broke usual traditions and chooses it to go with white; seeing as white on a wedding day represents purity.. and we all know I'm not pure.

He shrugged, "You'll just be the most gorgeous person in the room, second to me of course." He joked with a narcissistic smirk; earning an eye roll from me. The door behind him opened and he backed out of it, "I love you Princess." His voice came out a little sadder this time, he's like a child going to school without his mom for the first time.

"I love you more Ani."



Anakin's POV
I woke up to the sound of tapping, it started out small, but the volume and force progressed as every second went by.

I forced open my tired eyes to try and wake myself up, so I could find the source of the noise. I looked over to R2 to see if it was him, but he was powered down in his usual corner.

Confused, I looked around the room until I realized that it was coming from my door, "Open up General." I heard a loud whisper come through and I recognized it to be the voice of a clone.

"This better be important," I mumbled as I threw the blanket off of me and rubbed my eyes as I went to open the door. I shifted my gaze to the clock to see what time it was; It was only ten, I barely left (y/n)'s room a little over an hour ago.

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