Chapter Eighty

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*Cries quietly in corner*


Harry wants to be cuddled after his attack(chapter 78,79) saying that the boys make him feel safe. Everyone cuddles him expect Liam. He did at the start but stopped since he thinks that harry is getting annoying and to cuddly, he yells at harry to get out of the room or stop hanging around with him etc. After a few days Liam pushes Harry off the sofa and he lands on his injured ribs(78&79) . When Harry starts crying Liam tells him to suck it up, or hell spank him for it.



After Harry came out of the hospital after being in there for nearly a week, reasons being that he needed a second operation on his arm and he did infact break some ribs.

It was understandable that Harry was going to be nervous, scared of going out etc.

And the boys understood that.. 

Everyone apart from Liam.

*Harry POV*

"Lou-Lou?" I asked, timidly, "Can we cuddle"

He looked up from his book that he was reading, "Sure, Haz! You dont need to ask"

I walked over as he placed his book on the side, as I got comfy on his lap, "Hows the arm and ribs?"

"Hurting, alot" I whispered, "Hows the bum?"

Louis chuckled and ran his hands through my hair, "Understandable, but you cant have any more medicine for another 2 hours, And still bruised"

I whimpered, and placed my head into his chest, "Okay, Thank you boo, I can move to the side of you if you want"

"Its okay, booger" He said, "Why dont you try and fall alseep yeah?"

I nodded and closed my tired eyes, 


"Harry, Haz, Harold" Someone was saying, nudging my arm.

I mumbled, "What?"

"Medicine time" Louis whispered.

I sat up as he placed the tablet into my hand along with a glass off water in the other, "Thanks"

He sat down next to me, obvisouly moving me from his lap when I was asleep, "Thank you for making me feel safe"

He looked down, "I'm sorry for chucking you out"

"Its fine," I whispered, Its not really, every night in the hospital and since Ive came home Ive been scared shitless and having nightmares.

I can see the daggers Liams sending me too, I remember in the hospital and the first day I was out, he was so caring and would cuddle me when ever I wanted.. 

Now he just ignores me, like I'm a peice of shit on the ground.

"Harry?" Louis asked, "You okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just thinking, Im gonna go get some food"

He nodded, "Call me if you need me"

I walked into the kitchen only to be screamed out by none other than Liam,

"Get Out! You dont belong here! Cant you see me and Niall are talking?"

I looked around, right, so Liam talks to Niall whilst hes looking in the fridge?

Common sense.. Liam.. Common sense.

I left the kitchen and made my way back to the livingroom.

"You was quick" Louis said,

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