Chapter Twenty Four

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Thanks for the prompt(:

Yes! Tameras finally gone!

Anyway, hope everyone had a good weekend.

Here's Chapter Twenty Four, let's just saw there's a few surprises in this chapter, Don't Hate Me!(:



You see ever since the boys got up 3 hours ago, Liam and Zayn had been a big pain. It started at breakfast when Liam 'spilled' his cereal over Zayn, then Zayn doing the same thing, resulting in both boys getting 15 hard swats. Then when the were playing x-box Zayn won the game and bragged about it, Liam then proceeded to push  Zayn, Harry noticed and gave each boy 30 minutes time out.

Now here they are 3 hours later, now shouting at each other. The shouting stopped and Louis signed on relief.

"Hey! Lou, can you help me wi-" Niall bounced in the room, holding song lyrics, he really needed help learning them. Louis turned around, and was about to reply when he heard a scream then crying coming from Liam and Zayn's room.

"Not now Niall" Louis huffed, walking out the room, Niall signed, feeling slightly hurt.


"What the hell is going on in here?" Louis asked,walking into the room, seeing Zayn crying in the corner and Liam no where to be seen.

"oh Zaynie, what's wrong?" Louis asked concerned.

"Liam he m-mirror" Zayn sobbed out.

Louis held in a laugh, Zayn was crying over a broken mirror? How sad.

But seeing Zayn in this state, he cuddled him close until his sobs turned to sniffles.


Meanwhile downstairs Niall was on his own, trying to the learn his lines for the songs.

Harry walked in and completely ignored him, going straight to the kitchen, shutting the door behind him.

Well that hurt, Niall thought.

So he got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey harr-" Niall was about to say but got cut off when Harry angrily stood up, sent Niall an angry glare and pushed past him. Leaving Niall in the kitchen a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

A few hours later, the four boys were still ignoring Niall and every time Niall went to speak to either Louis or Harry, he got no response since both had to keep running to the aid of Liam and Zayn.

Now the five boys were sat in the living room watching a film, Harry and Zayn cuddling and Liam and Louis cuddling. Niall?

Well Niall he was sat on the floor all by himself, everyone still ignoring him.

Louis and Harry got up and said they needed to ring home, leaving Zayn and Liam together, oh no, this ain't gonna end well.

A few minutes in, everyone was silence watching the movie, well until Liam got up and accidently this time, dropped his lemonade over Zayn. Zayn jumped up both from coldness and angriness.

"What the fuck was that for?" Zayn said, stepping forward to Liam.

"Maybe if your gigantic feet wasn't in the way, I wouldn't have tripped and dropped my lemonade all over you" Liam argued back.

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