chapter thirtynine!

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Can you do where Zayn get a bf and no ones knows and this boyfriend after a month gets really mean to Zayn like he keeps putting him down and then he start abusing Zayn when Zayn doesnt have sex with him and somehow Harry walls to Zayns room at night to find the boy on top of a crying and naked Zayn harry beats the boy up and the spanks Zayn because he didnt Say anything

This one was hard to write, so if it's terrible I'm sorry:(
*Zayns POV*

Every since Larry and Ziall came out to the world on an interview(A/N remember that?) all me and Niall has been getting is hate, after two months of trying to stick it out, it became to much so we decided to end it and just stay friends.

That was nearly 6 months ago, now I'm with a boy called rob, the boys don't know about him, since last time with Niall they became over protective and warned as all that if me, Niall, or Liam get in a relationship they would tan our behinds.

I'm currently in my flat waiting for rob to come home.

I heard the door slam open and close just as hard.


I walked-more like ran- down the stairs to see rob leant up against the wall, beer bottle in hand, smirking evilily(is that a word?) at me.

"Yes rob?" I asked,literally shaking in my boots.

Rob walked towards me and pushed me up against the wall, slapping me across the face, "What did I say you had to call me?"

I shook and cupped my red cheek, before saying, "master, you told me to call you m-master"

Shit! one thing Rob hates is stuttering and I just literally stuttered in his face.
His face grew red with anger and he lifted up his fist and connected it with my already injured cheek, "not only can you not sing, you can't fucking talk either!"

Rob was never like this, when I met him nearly 3 months ago, he was the boy everyone wanted, brown hair, blue eyes, punk, strong, abs, biceps, basically a living god.
When he found out I was in one direction he was supported at first before last month I returned home last from the Brit Awards and he starting accusing me of cheating on him.

Me and the boys has just left the Brits and on our way to the after party.

"awesome night, wasn't it?" Harry asked, whilst slinging his arm over my shoulder.

I shrugged, "I guess"

Harry looked at me oddly, 'you okay mate?"

I nodded, I wasn't, I was scared out of my mind, they didn't know about rob, he's been ordering me around, and tonight he promised that if I wasn't home by 12, he would give me a "surprise"

I faked yawned, "what's the time mate?"

Harry flicked out his iPhone,"12:30 why?"


I ran out of the building without saying good bye and ran straight home, once there I opened the door, only to have my hair pulled and dragged into the living room,


" was with the boys"

"oh so you're cheating on me now?"

"no,rob, never you know I only lov-"

I never got to finished that sentence because all I felt was a shooting pain in my jaw, then pain in my sides and ribs.

I gasped with shock, but that was a bad idea, because as soon as I did I felt a foot connect with my ribs.

"YOU WILL NEVER CHEAT ON ME AGAIN" he screamed as he kept connecting his foot with any part of my body he could reach.

One Direction-Spanking Story(ON HIATUS TILL OTHERWISE) Where stories live. Discover now