Chapter Thirty Four!

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mabey I could first steal some cigarettes and while smoking get cought and they ask how I brought them and stuff!

Remember Jade's still 16 in the story(:


Jade walked down the street with a two of her friends she met at a one direction concert last night.

"So what do you wanna do?" Hannah, a 15 year old girl, with black hair and blue eyes asked.

"Wanna go to the park and just hangout?" Bella, a 16 year old girl, who dyed purple hair and green eyes, questioned.

Jade nodded her head, so they started their journey to the park.

*Meanwhile in the one direction house*

Zayn paced back and forth, "Where the hell is Jade?" He stopped and looked at Liam, "This is all your fault, I told you to look after her!"

Liam stepped back, "She said she needed the bathroom, I wasn't going to watch her pee!" He argued back, "And plus she's your friend, not mine"

As soon as Liam said that, he covered his mouth in shock, "Zee, I didn't mean that!"

Zayn looked up, "Don't!" He then walked out the room.


"I dare you to kiss Hannah!" Jade said to Bella, as she took one more cup of the vodka, that the girls asked a random older person to buy.

Hannah and Bella, both being drunk, leaned in and connected lips for a spilt second.

Once they both gagged, they all started laughing.

Bella then turned to Jade, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "I dare you to go and steal a pack of cigarettes from that women's bag over there"

Jade shrugged and stood up, she walked to the middle aged women,-who had her back towards the girls- and stuck her hand in the bag and quickly snatching the cigarettes. The girls ran back and laughed at their own achievement.

"You should be a pick pocketer" Hannah laughed, as Jade light up a cigarette and passed it around.

unbeknown to them, papperazi was hiding in the bushes.


"Now E's top story, Jade friend of one di-"

The boys where sat around on in the living room watching the news, Niall flicking through,

"Woo, wait, turn e back on again!" Zayn screamed, as Niall flicked straight over, Niall put e back on just in time,

"-Was spotted smoking, drinking and stealing today, as she hang around with two mysterious girls, and as you can see from the pictures here, they were having a fun time"

Pictures popped up on the screen of Bella and Hannah kissing, Jade stealing the cigarettes, the girls drinking, and then the girls smoking.

"Oh she is so dead!" Louis screamed, but quieted down, as the presenter on E spoke again.

"-Now about her whereabouts, we think she's in one of Londons famous parks, not to far from Nandos and opposite to Madame Tussordes(don't know how to spell it)"

"Let's go!" Harry shouted, running out the front door.


The girls where still in the park,now drunk out of the heads,

"Oh look, it's a group of people with cameras" Jade slurred.

"3.2.1 POSE!" Hannah shouted, going into the superman pose.

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