Chapter Twenty

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whooo! I'm back!

My operation went really well and I recovered quicker than planned, so I got released early(:

also thanks for getting this story to nearly 19,000 reads, I'm surprised, I thought it wouldn't get 100 let alone 19,000

anyway here's chapter twenty(:


"NIALL JAMES HORAN GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!" Louis shouted up the stairs. He just got in from having an argument with Eleanor, he just wanting to watch some tele, but no, some one was to lazy to change the batteries in the remote, quess who it was, yep you got it right;


A few minutes later, Louis saw Niall bounce down the stairs, which irritated him a lot.

"yeah, Lou" Niall questioned, giving Louis a confused look,he had no idea why Louis shouted for him.

"First off, my names Louis, not Lou, secondly, don't bounce down the stairs, walk like a normal person, oh I forgot you can't since your not normal and lastly why didn't you change the batteries in the remote or you too lazy to do that aswell, maybe we should make a book, we'll call it:"

Things Niall can do and things he can't do

"That's a good idea don't you think, it'll be the fastest selling book around, then what the people say to you on twitter would be revealed in the book, I'm a genius" Louis laughed as Niall stood in front of him, with tears rolling down his face at a rapid pace.

"L-Lou" Niall whispered, afraid Louis was gonna say something meaningful agaib.

Louis looked at Niall, anger in his eyes.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I GOT TO TELL YOU MY NAME IS LOUIS!" Louis screamed, making Niall let out a small whimper.

"sorry Louis, I f-forgot to change the r-remote, I'll go and do I-it now" Niall stuttered out, making sure to say Louis' name right.

"damn right you will, after I'm done with you,come here" Louis pointed from the sofa he went too, Niall shook his head backing away.

"NOW!" Louis boomed, making Niall run forward. Niall was praying and praying for the other boys to come home, he knew when Louis was in this state it wasn't gonna end well, he was knocked out of his thoughts when Louis grabbed his arm and threw him over his lap, tugging down Niall's trousers and boxers, grabbing the remote and slamming it down, hard, when I say hard I mean Hard!

Niall lurched forward and cried out at the impact, Louis just smirked as Niall's left cheek turned pink, just from that hit, he continued, he wanted to show Niall that being lazy wasn't an option, so he raised it high and slammed it back down.

Two minutes passed and Louis was still spanking at a hard rhythm; left cheek, left sit spot, left thigh, then right cheek, right sit spot, right thigh, middle of the bum then top of the bum.

Five minutes passed and louis was still going, Niall had gone completely limp, bawling his eyes out and occasionally choking on his tears, his bum had turned deep red, hot to touch and bruised badly.

Niall finally found his voice;

"L-Louis, OW!, P-Please, I'm, Ouch!, Sorry"

Louis ignored him and carried on,

Seven minutes in Louis finally stopped, he placed down the remote, by this time, Niall wasn't begging or yelping, he just laid over Louis' lap to exhausted to move or even shout, his bum was now numb, bruised and bleeding and it felt like it was on fire.

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